In Spanish, words that end in F they are rare. The vast majority are foreigners, words from foreign languages that are introduced into Spanish without being translated or adapted, that is, they are used with their original spelling and pronunciation. For example: cheF, southF, sheriffF.
Some of the words ending in -F can also be onomatopoeia, an imitation of the language that resembles the sound it represents. They are often used in colloquial and informal language. For example: paF, orF, plaF.
aleF | naíF | puF |
bluF | ofF | rosbiF |
cheF | paF | sheriffF |
goalF | batteryF | southF |
grombiF | plaF | orF |
minigolF | ploF | windsurF |
bluF | ofF | ploF |
cheF | paF | puF |
goalF | plaF | southF |
aleF | batteryF | sheriffF |
grombiF | rosbiF | windsurF |