In Spanish, there are few words ending in U and, in most cases, it is nouns male. For example: bambooú, champú, spiritor.
Some words that end with OR They are interjections, that is, a type of invariable words that are used in exclamatory sentences to express emotions, feelings, or speech acts. For example: iujor, chaor, bor.
Among the words ending in U are also many onomatopoeia, which are terms that mimic sounds or acoustic acts. For example: guideor, mineor, gluglú.
Finally, most of the terms that end in -U are foreigners either raw or adapted. For example: dogsú, veneeror, haikor.
bambooú | iglú | Perú |
bantú | Iguazú | petisú |
bor | momentumor | pututor |
camambú | jiu-jitsor | quitor |
dogsú | Kathmandú | rendibú |
Caucasianor | llaulláor | sabicú |
champú | mambrú | samuhú |
chaor | manchú | Yesor |
chistor | manguruyú | sor |
cor | Marilú | tacurú |
cucú | marramáor | tatú |
gaveor | mensú | taor |
ecor | menú | tiramisú |
emú | mineor | tofor |
spiritor | mildewor | tor |
frufrú | Moscowú | tururú |
gluglú | mor | tuturutú |
Grayú | Potor | uchor |
guaicurú | nandú | urdor |
guideor | ñor | vermú |
haikor | ombú | voodooú |
hindú | paspartú | yapú |
boor | guideor | Yesor |
bor | haor | sor |
chaor | mineor | taor |
cor | mor | tor |
gaveor | ñor | tú |
angú | kungfú | quipor |
cebú | menú | tisú |
emú | ombú | tribor |
hindú | pacú | tutú |
iglú | Perú | zulú |
agallú | bululú | carurú |
alajú | camarú | momentumor |
ambigú | dogsú | marabú |
anamú | characterú | motacú |
biricú | caribú | otakor |
couscousú | manguruyú | teruteror |
almorabú | ñacurutú | tiramisú |
spiritor | pacumutor | tuturutú |
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