100 Examples of Words that end in -ra
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words that end in -ra
In Spanish, words ending in -ra are very common and, in most cases, it involves nouns Y adjectives female, or verbs. For example: spoonra, debtra, cover upra.
This sequence can be part of several suffixes:
In verbs of the three conjugations, the ending -ra refers to the first or third person singular of the past imperfect, of the Subjunctive mode. For example: atera, takingra, come outra. And if it has an accent (-rá), this sequence belongs to the third person singular of the Simple future, of indicative mood. For example: hará, begrá.
In verbs ending in -rar, the sequence -ra refers to the third person singular of the present indicative and the second person of the imperative. For example: tora, logra, cobra.And in verbs ending in -rer and -rir, this same ending is also present in the first or third person singular of the present subjunctive mood. For example: Pubra, corra, abra.
Examples of words ending in -ra
harassedra | pantryra | ostra |
isolatedra | depolarizedra | pediatra |
amphora | guttedra | pelletra |
antechamberra | detonatedra | pera |
beekeepingra | debtorra | picara |
apprehensivera | expandedra | poolra |
aradura | liera | repairedra |
refereera | stapledra | revealedra |
roastra | swarmra | samsara |
atmospherera | entanglera | forestryra |
blogra | deliveredra | simulatedra |
cabra | slagra | sweatyra |
bedra | photo reportra | mother-in-lawra |
campera | flatteredra | fastenedra |
reelra | ivyra | tanguera |
lanera | horticulturera | tartera |
cartera | ibera | transformedra |
carra | I announcera | uniformedra |
cordillera | magra | varadera |
spoonra | mediatedra | seera |
calledra | deathra | gora |
repealedra | negra | divedra |
Two-syllable words that end in -ra
abra | letra | pira |
aura | lira | auntra |
birra | mera | tierra |
gira | ostra | youra |
Laura | piedra | yira |
Three syllable words that end in -ra
acera | blogra | galera |
achira | cartera | ibera |
adoredra | spoonra | partra |
Ah orra | debtorra | pediatra |
aimará | It is faithra | picara |
Four syllable words that end in -ra
oilra | curandera | I announcera |
burlapra | Basquera | I rockra |
caradura | fruitfulra | polera |
reelra | ice creamra | remera |
coniferousra | washedra | tempera |
Five syllable words that end in -ra
harassedra | stapledra | Perforatedra |
antechamberra | cheatedra | revealedra |
beekeepingra | stratosphera | simulatedra |
computedra | flatteredra | sweatyra |
detonatedra | horticulturera | turnedra |
Six syllable words that end in -ra
conditionsrá | calledra | stabilizesrá |
administeredra | dismountedra | photo reportra |
africanizerá | decongestsrá | humanizedra |
sewerrá | wake upra | nationalizerá |
lecturedra | disheveledra | compiledra |
Sentences with words ending in -ra
- The electrician spliced the wires and then covered them with tape insulating.
- The young woman carried the river water into a amphora which she carried on her head to the village.
- The doctor spoke to the woman in the antechamber and then she went in to see the sick man.
- At the meeting, the atmosphere She became tense when two guests began to argue, and many decided to leave early.
- He was a rural area, and foreigners were expressly asked to exercise caution on the route because it was possible that some goat I know will cross.
- The journalist, with the camera in hand, he made a place among the public and achieved exclusive shots of the couple of actors.
- Sara it is designer of apparel, and she began developing her own women's clothing line.
- That purse she is beautiful, where did you buy her?
- The car was forgotten several months in the garage, before someone else claim.
- The route through the Mountain range Is very dangerous.
- Sold everything in order to pay the debt and you only have one left spoon silver.
- When he finally understood that the woman it was a liarshe, she and she had given him the money.
- When he retired, he took an old woman from the office stapler for remember his days as an employee.
- The house looked gloomy because a huge climbing plant it covered the doors and windows.
- The announcer he announced the lottery numbers and Raúl had the winning ticket.
- Blackit was her favorite dog, and she cried a lot when she died.
- I consulted the pediatrician my doubts about my son's diet.
- Me mother-in-law she is a vile and spiteful woman.
- I opened the refrigerator hoping to find something in order to eat, but there was nothing left.
- Now that I am a mother, I understand the difficulties of raising a child much better than before.
- The walnuts and other dried fruits were arranged in bags of burlap.
- The healer he looked at her and could see in her eyes the terrible pain that afflicted her.
- The kindergarten children drew pictures and painted them with tempera.
- The farmer watched the land dry and begged reach The rain.
- Lauraadore to her nephews and gives them all the tastes.
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