In Spanish, words ending in -unte are not very frequent and are usually nouns Y adjectives male. For example: apa tea, sha tea, transea tea.
The ending -unte is also found in verbs ending in -point, conjugated in the first and third person singular of the present subjunctive or the second person formal singular of imperative mode. For example: a tea, prega tea. And, if it has an accent (-unté), it refers to the first person singular of the simple past perfect of indicative mood. For example: adja tea, Come ina tea.
acoya tea | desja tea | prega tea |
adja tea | aftera tea | regather |
aja tea | aftera tea | reprega tea |
apa tea | starteda tea | repa tea |
Oha tea | empa tea | sha tea |
barra tea | entreja tea | teta tea |
chicha tea | Come ina tea | tipa tea |
conja tea | ja tea | transea tea |
contrapa tea | pega tea | traspa tea |
desapa tea | perpa tea | aftera tea |
uncomfortablea tea | pespa tea | a tea |
ja tea | sha tea | a tea |
adja tea | chicha tea | pega tea |
aja tea | conja tea | prega tea |
apa tea | desja tea | reja tea |
Oha tea | aftera tea | tipa tea |
barra tea | empa tea | aftera tea |
acoya tea | uncomfortablea tea | Come ina tea |
contrapa tea | starteda tea | reprega tea |
desapa tea | entreja tea | transea tea |
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