The words ending in -sivo and -siva they are usually adjectives. For example: buyif you, intentsive, tvif you.
By spelling rule, they must be written with "s" and "v" (except harmful, lewd and police).
It is important to remember that there are no words in the Spanish language that end in -sibo or -siba and there are a few with the ending -cibo (I conceive, I perceive, I receive).
openif you | speechsive | occludeif you |
absterif you | I discussedsive | omnicomprenif you |
abuif you | scattersive | opreif you |
addif you | detersive | holdif you |
anticorrosive | diversive | persuadeif you |
antidepresive | divisive | poseif you |
antihypertensionsive | efusive | precluif you |
antitusive | the Usive | anticipatedif you |
learnsive | emulsive | progressif you |
autoadhesive | erosive | prayif you |
cohesive | Evesive | recurif you |
buysive | excludesive | come backif you |
I boughtsive | expandsive | remiif you |
compulsive | expresssive | repercussionif you |
concesive | ejectedsive | repreif you |
concludesive | extendsive | repulif you |
conversive | extorsive | revulif you |
convulsedsive | illusive | surprisedif you |
decisive | implosive | subverif you |
defendsive | impulsesive | it happensif you |
of Lusive | incisive | suspendif you |
diffusive | includesive | televisionif you |
dilutesive | entersive | transgressif you |
Three syllable words ending in -sivo and -siva
curif you | meif you | plausive |
yousive | musive | sawsive |
masive | paif you | yusive |
Four syllable words ending in -sivo and -siva
adhesive | depresive | invadeif you |
alusive | exceif you | obsesive |
friendif you | explosive | offendif you |
I runsive | intentif you | allowsive |
Five syllable words ending in -sivo and -siva
antitusive | do not learnsive | inexpreif you |
unlearnif you | incompasive | inofensive |
hypertensive | misunderstandsive | televisionsive |
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