The words ending in -ono they can be masculine nouns or adjectives or verbs. For example: tor not, Frenchor not, sor not.
These words can be:
abandonor not | distortedor not | positionor not |
abotor not | emotionor not | promotionor not |
acror not | emoticor not | racior not |
ambitionor not | eruptedor not | radiotelefor not |
amontor not | fractionor not | rootor not |
Anglophoneor not | francophoneor not | reactionor not |
apasior not | fusior not | relationshipor not |
hearing aidor not | hexagonor not | beefor not |
nativeor not | printor not | saxophoneor not |
baritor not | lesior not | sazor not |
confectionor not | megafor not | sesior not |
congestior not | micor not | syncror not |
disappointedor not | nor not | subsidyor not |
desentor not | octogor not | phoneor not |
crumblingor not | lostor not | you uniteor not |
destror not | perfectionor not | videotelefor not |
detor not | polygor not | xylophor not |
bor not | dor not | sor not |
clor not | For not | tor not |
cor not | mor not | tror not |
abor not | it workedor not | ozor not |
coror not | gestior not | pressor not |
questionor not | icor not | sancior not |
entor not | kimor not | tensior not |
flexior not | I mentionedor not | betrayedor not |
collectionor not | ladderor not | occasionor not |
collisionor not | stationor not | ovacior not |
conditionor not | extortedor not | refitor not |
shockedor not | awardor not | I reflectedor not |
dimensionor not | illusionor not | selectedor not |
erosior not | raidedor not | solutionor not |
conditionor not | evolvedor not | revolutionor not |
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