100 Examples of Words that end in -logy
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words ending in -logy
Almost all words ending in -logy They are nouns of female gender formed by that suffix preceded by a cultured base (that is, of Greek or Latin origin). For example: starlodge, hydrolodge.
The suffix -logy means "study" or "science"; thus, for example, the psycholodgeis "the science or study of mind and behavior in people or animals" (the prefix psycho- means "mind"), and echolodgeit is the "science that studies living beings as inhabitants of an environment, and the relationships they maintain with each other and with that environment" (the prefix eco- means "house", "vital environment"). Other examples are: chronolodge, ideolodge.
As a spelling rule, it should be noted that this suffix is written with g and with a check mark on the i.
Few terms are not included in the group described above. Among them are the verbandlodge (form of praise in the present tense indicative) and the noun lodge. Neither has a tilde in the i.
Examples of words ending in -logy
adenolodge | edgelodge | neuroendocrinelodge |
aerolodge | physiolodge | neurolodge |
agroecolodge | phonelodge | neuropsycholodge |
allergylodge | phrasinglodge | numberlodge |
Analodge | gastroenterolodge | odontolodge |
her angiolodge | gemlodge | ophthalmuslodge |
antolodge | Genealodge | ontolodge |
anthropolodge | geolodge | ornitolodge |
apolodge | gynecologylodge | otorhinolarynguslodge |
filelodge | gnoseolodge | paleontolodge |
archinglodge | hematolodge | paleozoanlodge |
starlodge | hydrolodge | papyruslodge |
axiolodge | histolodge | parasitelodge |
bibliolodge | homolodge | i canlodge |
biolodge | ichthylodge | politolodge |
biotechlodge | ideolodge | psycholodge |
bromatelodge | immunelodge | radiolodge |
cardiolodge | kinesiolodge | rheumatismlodge |
climatolodge | lexiconlodge | simbolodge |
Contactlodge | lodge | sociobiolodge |
cosmolodge | meteorlodge | partnerlodge |
criminallodge | methodlodge | finishedlodge |
cryobiumlodge | subwaylodge | thermoslodge |
chronolodge | microbelodge | tetralodge |
deontolodge | mininglodge | kindlodge |
dermatolodge | mythlodge | toxiclodge |
echolodge | morpholodge | traumalodge |
andlodge | Museumlodge | trilodge |
embryolodge | musicianlodge | ufolodge |
environmentlodge | narrativelodge | aurochslodge |
etimolodge | neonatelodge | turnlodge |
ethiolodge | pneumonolodge | vulcanlodge |
ethnolodge | neurobelodge | zoologuide |
Four syllable words ending in -logy
biolodge | gavelodge | trilodge |
Five syllable words ending in -logy
agrolodge | litholodge | oncolodge |
androlodge | subwaylodge | ducklodge |
arthrolodge | mythlodge | Petrolodge |
I quotelodge | morpholodge | sedimentlodge |
phicolodge | necrolodge | earthquakelodge |
graphlodge | pneumolodge | teolodge |
Six syllable words ending in -logy
amphibiouslodge | Egyptlodge | hepatolodge |
bacteriumlodge | druglodge | infectedlodge |
cancerolodge | Flemishlodge | laringolodge |
chronobiolodge | futurelodge | ornitolodge |
demonlodge | gerontolodge | sociobiolodge |
dialectlodge | helminthlodge | finishedlodge |
Seven syllable words ending in -logy
agroecolodge | epidemiclodge | meteorlodge |
anesthesialodge | epistemlodge | nanotechlodge |
librarianlodge | cavinglodge | neonatelodge |
characterlodge | phenomenonlodge | neurophysiumlodge |
I communicatelodge | hydrogeolodge | parapsiclodge |
endocrinelodge | histopathlodge | symptomatlodge |
Sentences with words ending in -logy
- The Society of Agroecology guarantees that these crops are organic.
- Researchers have pointed out a analogy between the current case and another that was registered in a nearby city.
- On the trip, Ana began to read a anthology of poems by Gabriela Mistral.
- The students of anthropology They prepared a sample with the photos they took on their field trip to the mountain range.
- Evaristo is an enthusiast of the astrology- You are subscribed to a website that sends you daily horoscope.
- Plato praise the serenity of Socrates in the face of death.
- The Frenchman Jacques Cousteau made television programs on themes of biology marina that captured the attention of a large audience.
- Advances in biotechnology have allowed increased crop growth.
- René needs to consult a specialist in contactology to have your lenses checked.
- The cryobiology is currently analyzing the possibility of using ultra-cold to preserve organs destined for transplantation for a longer time.
- In History class, students built a timeline to order the chronology of the events of the First World War.
- Young people, in many families, are more aware of the issues of ecology than the older ones.
- Since she was little, Josefina was very curious about insects and for that reason she has begun to specialize in entomology.
- This is the teacher's favorite dictionary because, according to him, it clearly explains the etymology of words.
- I have met with my relatives to order together the genealogy of the family.
- The experts in hydrology they warn about the possibility that the river, when changing the course, causes floods.
- You don't have to be a specialist in ichthyology to distinguish between a sardine and a swordfish.
- Victoria studied kinesiology and she was especially interested in the muscular mechanics of sports.
- The most reliable reports from meteorology they announce for next winter temperatures well below the usual ones in the region.
- Sabrina is going to consult a web page of mythology for more information on the twelve labors of Hercules.
- The nervous and endocrine systems participate in the body's control functions; that's why the neuroendocrinology deals with studying the relationships between the two.
- The medical specialty of the Otorhinolaryngology It has such a long name because it indicates that it deals with three organs: the ear ("oto"), the nose ("rhino") and the throat ("laringo").
- My uncle, who studies subjects of papyrology, has on his computer scans of Egyptian papyri that are preserved in various museums in Europe.
- When Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-ray radiation in 1895 it marked the beginning of the radiology.
- I do not recommend this book about plants because the author uses terminology overly technical.
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