In Spanish, there are many words ending in -ote. Among them, you can find:
In addition, some of the words that have this ending are composed of the suffix -ote, which is one of the various forms that the augmentative in Spanish, although sometimes it also has value derogatory. For example: friendote, paperote, boyote.
groceryote | swaggeringote | machote |
abstainingote | hammockote | mazacote |
welcomeoté | debatingote | mockingote |
acote | denote | monigote |
snugglingote | derroté | mote |
grabbedoté | drainote | noté |
agote | disembote | ocelote |
dawnote | disencapote | ocote |
lovingote | slidingote | palote |
friendote | despelote | pegote |
anote | dote | fightingote |
clingingote | beautifyingote | pilote |
regrettingote | embote | pivote |
corneringote | stubbornote | pote |
azote | falling in loveote | preparingote |
barrote | encapote | testingote |
babyote | getting sickote | quijote |
kissingote | hidingote | rebote |
bigote | escote | rebrote |
bote | exploitoté | reflote |
tanningote | fagote | shelteringote |
brote | favoringote | gloatingote |
spermote | flote | resistingote |
camalote | frote | laughingote |
camarote | galeote | stealingote |
camote | garrote | roté |
cascote | spendingote | priestote |
cenote | grandote | feelingote |
nearote | hugonote | sote |
chicote | islote | trote |
cogote | lingote | vote |
comploté | litote | zapote |
connote | lote | zelote |
Two-syllable words that end in -ote
bote | frote | pote |
brote | lote | rote |
dote | mote | trote |
flote | note | vote |
Three syllable words that end in -ote
acote | chapote | machote |
agote | hammockote | palote |
anote | denote | pivote |
azote | exploitote | rebote |
bigote | fagote | rebrote |
Four syllable words that end in -ote
groceryote | kissingote | hugonote |
welcomeote | spermote | mazacote |
grabbedote | camarote | monigote |
dawnote | despelote | testingote |
friendote | encapote | feelingote |
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