In Spanish there are a lot of words ending in -ire. It is, in most cases, verbs whose infinitive ends in -irar or -ir, that is, they belong to the first and the third conjugation. For example: admI will go, expI will go, I discoveredI will go, I receivedI will go.
The verb tenses in which these forms can appear are:
Furthermore, these words include a few common nouns and some foreigners. For example: toI will go, desI will go, affaI will go, partenaI will go.
admI will go | funI will go | coatI will go |
advertI will go | sleepingI will go | reduceI will go |
affaI will go | writeI will go | regI will go |
afflictedI will go | spitI will go | remitI will go |
toI will go | espI will go | distributedI will go |
hereI will go | its TI will go | repercussionI will go |
regretI will go | exhibI will go | repeatI will go |
assistI will go | demandedI will go | resistI will go |
aspI will go | expandI will go | respI will go |
I assumedI will go | expI will go | retI will go |
girdleI will go | fundI will go | revertI will go |
matchI will go | gemI will go | followI will go |
competeI will go | gI will go | smileI will go |
I droveI will go | huI will go | subI will go |
confusedI will go | impartI will go | succumbI will go |
gotI will go | impedeI will go | sufferI will go |
conspI will go | printI will go | suggestedI will go |
buildI will go | impactI will go | suplI will go |
contributedI will go | includeI will go | suspI will go |
convertI will go | inspI will go | dyedI will go |
coverI will go | investI will go | tI will go |
compliedI will go | I will go | translateI will go |
debatedI will go | medI will go | elapseI will go |
deductI will go | mentI will go | transferI will go |
definI will go | mI will go | transgressedI will go |
ofI will go | morI will go | transmitI will go |
desI will go | obstructI will go | transpI will go |
describeI will go | happenI will go | traslucI will go |
goodbyeI will go | allowI will go | aI will go |
spreadI will go | pI will go | vestI will go |
dI will go | presideI will go | vI will go |
distinguishI will go | producI will go | vivI will go |
dissuadeI will go | receivedI will go | zurcI will go |
gI will go | mI will go | tI will go |
I will go | pI will go | vI will go |
admI will go | sunkI will go | retI will go |
aspI will go | The tI will go | revI will go |
compliedI will go | lucI will go | rugI will go |
its TI will go | morI will go | sufferI will go |
expI will go | partI will go | urdI will go |
assistI will go | cover upI will go | persuadeI will go |
consentI will go | existI will go | succumbI will go |
debatedI will go | infundI will go | suppressI will go |
sayI will go | inhibI will go | transgressedI will go |
divideI will go | chaseI will go | diveI will go |
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