In Spanish, there are many words ending in -ethic and they are usually adjectives. For example: patethical, alphabetethical, its Tethical.
This sequence may appear associated with the suffixes -ico and -tico, which form adjectives that indicate a relationship with the derivative base. For example: geneethical, artethicalor, atlethical. In chemical terms, it can refer to acids and compounds. For example: acethical.
Some gentile they also end in -ethical. For example: soviethical, bitco, crethical.
acethical | exegethical | mimethical |
alphabetethical | pharmacokineethical | notethical |
anacorethical | filethical | nomotethical |
anthropogenicethical | fonethical | paramagnethical |
arithmethical | brakeethical | parasintethical |
artethical | geneethical | stopethical |
ascethical | gethical | parentethical |
atlethical | helvethical | partenogenethical |
bioethical | hematopoyethical | patethical |
cyberethical | herbodietethical | peripatethical |
cinegethical | herethical | poethical |
cinethical | hermethical | multi-facetedethical |
cosmethical | herpethical | polisintethical |
diabethical | hethical | profethical |
dietethical | hypercinethical | prostethical |
dayethical | hipotethical | protethical |
electromagnetethical | homotethical | signethical |
energethical | jafethical | niceethical |
enurethical | luethical | synchroethical |
skeleethical | magnethical | Sintethical |
its Tethical | mahomethical | soviethical |
ethical | masorethical | urethical |
bethical | ethical | hethical |
crethical | gethical | rethical |
acethical | diabethical | emethical |
artethical | dietethical | its Tethical |
atlethical | dayethical | profethical |
cinethical | Docethical | prostethical |
cosmethical | eidethical | They areethical |
antitethical | caterethical | mahomethical |
apirethical | diaphorethical | masorethical |
flattenethical | diamagethical | penibethical |
aporethical | epigenethical | theoryethical |
asindethical | exegethical | transgangethical |
anacorethical | antipyrethical | ferromagnethical |
antidiabethical | antipoethical | phylogenethical |
antidiurethical | antisoviethical | photosintethical |
antiestethical | apologethical | geomagnethical |
antimagnethical | cariocinethical | pathogenethical |
electromagnetethical | pharmacokineethical | hematopoyethical |