The words ending in -ento They are usually masculine nouns and adjectives. For example: beanento, fraudento, exhaust meento.
Many of the adjectives are formed by adding the suffixes -iento and -ento, which gives these words a meaning of "similar" and is used to designate certain states of the body or otherwise or to assign a quality to a noun. For example: powderento, sediento, angurriento.
The vast majority of nouns it is formed by adding the suffixes -miento and -mento, which have a meaning of "action and result." For example: I was bornento, impedimento. But there are also some nouns and adjectives that do not add these suffixes. For example: instrumento, contento.
Also, they end with these letters:
acento | question meento | I launchedento |
about meento | I discoveredento | maintenanceento |
shrinkento | I discoveredento | medicamento |
happenedento | discernimiento | better to meento |
numbento | coolento | grumbleento |
exhaustedento | coolento | I was bornento |
accommodationento | enrichmentento | I thoughtento |
angurriento | fomento | powderento |
aumento | fragmento | presentered |
caliento | fraudento | rejuvenatedento |
campamento | beanento | sangriento |
catarrhento | it workedento | sediento |
cemento | grasiento | sentimiento |
comentered | famineento | nounento |
complementered | implemententered | treat meento |
contento | intento | turbulento |
cuento | swearento | violento |
lento | rentered | Yesento |
meento | sentered | sawento |
aliento | formerento | oriento |
Soento | inventered | ostentered |
atento | The mento | reventered |
evento | momento | suchento |
foodento | incremento | ruleento |
argumento | monumento | representered |
condimento | movementento | sleepyento |
documento | parlamento | beatento |
boredento | warm upento | I offeredento |
exhaustedento | freeze meento | Rebornento |
yellowento | metento | resentimiento |
apartamento | stretch myento | temperamento |
accompany meento | unwrappedento | get worseento |
conditioningento | deteriorationento | emaciatedento |
regrettedento | embellishedento | saddenedento |
disenchantedento | bottlingento | establishedento |
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