The words ending in -edo they can be masculine nouns or adjectives and verbs. In Spanish there are very few words that end with these letters. For example: meedo, beepedo, accedo.
There are different types of nouns, adjectives Y verbs that end with these letters:
accedo | depredó | procedo |
acebedo | unraveledo | puedo |
agredo | desheredó | whatedo |
antecedo | enredo | rebolledo |
arandanedo | excedo | remedó |
arcedo | there areedo | retrocedo |
beepedo | heredo | robledo |
chestnutedo | hiedo | ruedo |
cedo | hospedó | salcedo |
coheredó | humedo | overxcedo |
concedo | intercedo | sucedo |
credo | meedo | torpedo |
quadrupleedo | olmedo | transgredo |
dedo | precedo | vineyardedo |
cedo | meedo | whatedo |
dedo | puedo | ruedo |
accedo | excedo | procedo |
agredo | there areedo | remedó |
arcedo | heredo | robledo |
beepedo | hospedó | sucedo |
concedo | humedo | Toledo |
depredó | olmedo | torpedo |
enredo | precedo | vineyardedo |
acebedo | coheredó | desheredó |
antecedo | quadrupleedo | intercedo |
chestnutedo | unraveledo | rebolledo |
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