In Spanish, words ending in -ezo are rare and can be nouns or verbs conjugated in the first person singular of the present indicative or in the third person singular of simple past perfect of the indicative. For example: waitstarted, aderezo, cerezo.
The verbs that when conjugated end in -ezo are those that in the infinitive have as a suffix both -ezar (for example, desmalezo, enderstarted), like -cer (for example, mezo, cuezo). The latter, according to their bending, make up irregular verbs.
acezo | cutezo | waitezo |
aderezo | cuezo | its Tezo |
adrezo | disdainezor | estropiezo |
to theezo | rudeezo | frezo |
almezo | disengageezo | haezo |
arrapiezo | desmalstarted | malvezo |
atezo | waitezo | mezo |
atrezo | afterezo | fishezo |
avezo | despiezo | recuezo |
bezo | emperezo | remezo |
bostezo | empstarted | revezo |
brezo | empiezo | rezo |
cabezo | encabezo | robezo |
carcavuezo | enderezo | tropstarted |
cerezo | enjaezo | tropiezo |
combluezo | I hearezo | vezo |
bezo | cuezo | rezo |
brezo | mezo | vezo |
acezo | bostezo | empstarted |
adrezo | cabezo | I hearezo |
to theezo | cerezo | its Tezo |
atezo | cutezo | haezo |
avezo | afterezo | revezo |
aderezo | rudeezo | headzo |
arrapiezo | desmalstarted | enderezo |
carcavuezo | waitezo | enjaezo |
decabstarted | emperezo | waitezo |