The words ending in -ea they are usually feminine nouns and adjectives and verbs. For example: cornea, wrongea, rodea.
These nouns can be:
As for the adjectives, are formed by adding the suffix -ea, to indicate a quality or that they are related to something. For example: spontaneousea, rosácea. In addition, there are other adjectives, but not that they don't add this suffix. For example: atea, fea.
The verbs are those whose infinitive ends in:
As to spelling rules, since A and O are strong vowels they form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: á-rand–to. In this case, the tilde is placed according to the general rules of accentuation.
aérea | cornea | oblea |
aldea | crustacea | you hateea |
Andrea | wrongea | countryea |
arbórea | spontaneousea | patea |
area | europea | pelea |
aceea | hitea | platea |
atea | hectárea | polea |
whipea | leafea | provea |
batea | humea | recrea |
borderea | goea | jumpedea |
boxea | instantea | sondea |
brea | jalea | sortea |
bromea | lactea | tambalea |
ceaseea | lineea | tarea |
cetacea | seaea | earthea |
coetanea | moldea | testea |
contemporaryea | nausea | violetea |
crea | lea | sea |
Fea | rea | vea |
bucea | emplea | youea |
canjea | gatea | posea |
chatea | gotea | rodea |
codea | hebrea | keyea |
Corea | hornea | tipea |
costea | ojea | tutea |
asamblea | orchidea | sanguinea |
chimneyea | pedalea | tareea |
foreignea | pilotea | pullea |
grayishea | stompedea | titubea |
idealea | Ron Ronea | they will seeea |
marbleea | tasteea | shoeea |
sprinkleea | incorporationea | simultaneousea |
spontaneousea | instantea | subcutanea |
scribbleea | miscellaneousea | undergroundea |
idleea | momentea | they happenea |
tributeea | lightningea | tambourineea |
homogeneousea | revolotea | phoneea |
aerolinea | heterogeneea | mediterraneanea |
contemporaryea | indoeuropea | shapeshiftersea |
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