In Spanish, there are many words ending in -ction. Is about nouns deverbal, that is, they come from verbs, and express action and effect of the base word. For example: attraction, I drovection, stopction.
The digraph CC is pronounced the same as the X intervocalic, which can lead to confusion or spelling errors. To avoid them, it is enough to remember that a term is written with CC when some other word of the same lexical family begins with TC. For example: abstract / abstraction, abject / abyection.
Furthermore, while X is used more frequently before A, O, U; the digraph CC is generally used, before the E or I. For example: afliction, coction, with faithction.
abduction | tell himction | mection |
abstraction | designction | obstructction |
abyection | distractionction | favorction |
byection | druggedction | production |
afection | election | protection |
afliction | stupefiedction | projectction |
attraction | extraction | putridction |
heaterction | eyection | areaction |
circumspectction | fiction | collectction |
coction | fraction | redaction |
schoolction | induction | refaction |
leadction | infection | restrictionction |
with faithction | inspection | resurrection |
buildction | instruction | retroction |
againstction | insurrection | satisfyction |
contradictedction | interaction | I knowction |
convictiontion | interjection | seduction |
correcttion | intersectction | selection |
deducttion | introducection | itsction |
disinfectiontion | introspection | subtractction |
destroytion | injectction | translatection |
detecttion | liposuction | transaction |
toction | fraction | rection |
coction | friction | I knowction |
gavection | youction | itsction |
fiction | mection | traction |
abduction | designction | eyection |
aduction | eduction | inaction |
coaction | election | areaction |
stopction | evection | seduction |
I'll sayction | exaction | selection |
arefaction | liposuction | go backction |
challengection | madefaction | rubefaction |
imperfectction | rarityction | subdirectorction |
wrongction | collectction | swellingction |
intellectction | reelection | vivisection |
self-buildction | stupefiedction | overproducedction |
self destructction | dissatisfiedction | overprotectction |
self-protectionction | macroinstruction | superproduction |
dermoprotection | magnetostriction | toxiinfection |
electrostriction | servoction | deputy directorction |