40 Examples of Sentences with Adverbs
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The adverbs and adverbial phrases are modifiers of other words, which can be verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. They are used to provide information about the place, time, mode, etc.
They are called adverbs if it is a single word (for example: happily) Y idioms adverbial if they are a set of words that convey a single meaning (for example: Safely).
Unlike adjective (which must coincide in gender and number with the word it complements), the adverb is always invariable. For example: We ate a lot of. / Ate a lot of.
Adverbs can modify:
Some words can be adverbs or adjectives, depending on the function they fulfill in the sentence. Therefore, to identify adverbs it is important to take into account which word they are modifying, since adjectives only modify nouns and adverbs never modify nouns.
Within the sentence, adverbs often function as circumstantial.
Types of adverbs
According to the information they provide:
According to its shape:
Examples of sentences with adverbs
- Finished the job What The boss told him. (Modify "finished", verb)
- That's the school where studied. (Modify "I studied", verb)
- The math teacher is best than the chemistry teacher. (Modify "is", verb)
- Showed up completely (Modify "naked", adjective)
- My brother is more taller than me. (Modify "is", verb)
- The car appeared suddenly. (Modify "appeared", verb)
- They walked very close each other. (“Very” modifies “close”, “close” modifies “they walked”, verb)
- – ¿How was your grandmother? (Modify "was", verb).
- They discovered the documents within from the drawer. (Modify "they discovered", verb)
- Children must sit behind of adults. (Modify "sit", verb)
- Sure that I want to continue playing. (Modify "I want", verb)
- Where Is the office of Mr. Rodríguez? (Modify "is", verb)
- His words are clearly (Modify "false", adjective)
- Improved Quite compared to the previous month. (Modify "they improved", verb)
- They rushed too to make a decision. (Modify "hurried", verb)
- Your friend is not nothing nice. (Modify "sympathetic", adjective)
- If only Reach an agreement. (Modify "come", verb)
- The dog walks behind of the love of him. (Modify "walk", verb)
- The board meets assiduously to solve community problems. (Modify "meets", verb)
- Not I want to talk to you. (Modify "I want", verb)
- Started the fight by the way to create a distraction. (Modify "started", verb)
- This movie is more (Modify "fun", adjective)
- ¿When they saw for the last time? (They modify “they saw”, verb)
- Cleaned the kitchen later to finish cooking. (Modify "cleaned", verb)
- Don't worry, they will solve the problems easily. (Modify "they will resolve", verb)
- Your mother is a person very (Modify "nice", adjective)
- Undoubtedly, They are one for the other. (Modify "son", verb)
- Every idea that comes to mind is worse than the previous. (Modify "is", verb)
- Take the dog outside (Modify "carries", verb)
- That man is extremely (Modify "silly", adjective)
- ¿How much cost? (Modify "cost", verb)
- Never I would tell you a lie. (Modify "I would tell you", verb)
- Maybe not let's get on time. (All adverbs modify “let's get there”, verb).
- The swimmer is extremely (Modify “alto”, adjective)
- This exam is much more easier than the previous one. ("Much" modifies "more", more modifies "easy", adjective.)
- Not yet they agree. (They modify "they put", verb.)
- Come here. (modify "come", verb)
- Usually we buy the products more ("Normally" modifies "we buy", verb; "More" modifies "cheap", adjective.)
- We will arrive promptly to the class. (Modify “we will arrive”, verb)
- The cat climbed the tree nimbly. (Modify "climbed", verb)