100 Examples of Words that end in -aza
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words that end in -aza
The words ending in -aza are formed by the suffix -aza that usually works as augmentative. For example: bocaza, fotaza, tortaza.
Also, this suffix is used to show affection, for example: goodaza, friendaza. As a spelling rule, it should be remembered that if the word is augmentative, the suffix -aza must be written with “z” in all cases.
Many times these augmentative suffixes correspond to a certain sociolect, so some words ending in -aza are used in oral colloquial language, but are not officially established by the Royal Academy Spanish.
There are some words that also end in -aza and are not augmentative words. For example: adelgaza, raza, taza.
Examples of words ending in -aza
adelgaza | grandfatheraza | lizardaza |
biplaza | friendaza | lickaza |
coraza | eelaza | madraza |
dislodgedaza | flagaza | manaza |
disembarkaza | goodaza | melenaza |
destaza | camaza | monthaza |
desguaza | walkaza | womanaza |
goodbyeaza | dogaza | dollaza |
deploymentaza | carnaza | palaza |
enjoyaza | cartaza | ballaza |
embaraza | partneraza | dogaza |
emplaza | boughtaza | legaza |
enlaza | computeraza | paintaza |
staraza | rabbitaza | plantaza |
linaza | broomaza | primaza |
biteaza | fotaza | teacheraza |
rechaza | gataza | reglaza |
replaceaza | grietaza | youaza |
haveaza | leafaza | trumpetaza |
torcaza | bossaza | windowaza |
Two syllable words that end in -aza
braza | liaza | raza |
caza | maza | taza |
haza | plaza | traza |
Three syllable words that end in -aza
Apraza | bocaza | letteraza |
boataza | cartaza | Monaza |
mostaza | geniaza | dooraza |
terraza | hijaza | ropaza |
Four syllable words that end in -aza
love Daza | artistaza | guitaraza |
apelmaza | capataza | brotheraza |
calabaza | carreraza | teacheraza |
betweenaza | gallinaza | racketaza |
Sentences with words ending in -aza
- Do you want to come to my house? We will eat with Pablo at Terrace and then we will go to the beach.
- Deserved recognition! Florence is a artist.
- The tipas are the most beautiful trees of this square.
- We will go down to buy food while Noelia is disguise for today's show.
- Excuse me! You fell to the floor Bowl and he broke a handle.
- I feed my dog balanced food, but he denies.
- The boxer must lose two kilos to compete, but he follows the diet of the nutritionist and does not slims.
- The young man bought himself a dressing of mustard and fine herbs.
- Before assembling the filling for the cake you must let the pumpkin.
- Facundo has become general manager, everyone agrees that he made a race Inside the company.
- Her grandmother always embrace when he comes home from school.
- It is very interesting as this author intertwines two stories that seemed so distant.
- Walking along the sidewalk, a passerby asked me if my dog was from race.
- The students toured the corridors of the museum and took pictures together with an armor with breastplate.
- In the tree in the backyard of my house a nest dove.
- All three of her children agree that she is a madrassa.
- I have already told the girls that we will not be able to go home until the barge to find us.
- The plane was displace slowly down the runway while waiting for the signal from the control tower.
- The young athlete is the main representative of the country in style fathom.
- Lucia me replaces every time I miss school.
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