In Spanish, words ending in -adre they are very rare as well as words that contain this set. The affix -mother is usually found in nouns. For example: madre, padre, adrenalina.
It is also present in verbs of the first conjugation ending in -adrar in the first and third person singular of the present subjunctive and the second person of the imperative. For example: suchadre, ladre, encuadre.
If checked, they can be conjugated verbs in the first person singular of the simple past perfect indicative mood. For example: suchadré, ladré, encuadré.
adrefrom | compadreor | madreclove |
adrenalina | compadreestuary | madrejón |
almadreña | decompadre | madreña |
baladre | I discoveredadre | madrepearl |
baladrera | desmadre | madréfor |
limeadre | lastadre | madreporic |
cityadrelog | empadre | madrera |
comadre | encuadre | madrejungle |
comadrear | I hearadreor | noradrenalina |
comadreha | ladre | padre |
comadreor | ladreestuary | padrear |
comadreestuary | madre | piamadre |
compadre | madreadored | recuadre |
compadrear | madrecilla | suchadre |
ladre | madre | padre |
adrefrom | desmadre | madrera |
baladre | empadre | padrear |
limeadre | encuadre | piamadre |
comadre | madrejón | recuadre |
compadre | madreña | suchadre |
baladrera | compadreor | madreass |
comadrear | lastadre | madrecilla |
comadreha | I hearadreor | madrepearl |
comadreor | ladreestuary | madréfor |
compadrear | madreadored | madrejungle |
adrenalina | comadreestuary | madreporic |