The words ending in -cimiento They are nouns male derived from verbs. For example: pleasefoundation, it happensfoundation, conefoundation.
These nouns are derived from verbs of second conjugation (-er) ending in -cer and a few verbs of third conjugation (-ir) that end in -cir. For example: born, nafoundation, compensate, redressfoundation.
To form these nouns, it is necessary to add the suffix -miento, which is used to represent the action and result of a verb.
There is also a common noun ending in and contains all these letters: foundation. All these nouns are always written with C and in no case with S.
suppliesfoundation | exaltedfoundation | stablefoundation |
hatedfoundation | facefoundation | shudderfoundation |
happenfoundation | hardenfoundation | failfoundation |
numbfoundation | thinfoundation | flowerfoundation |
pleasefoundation | in bigfoundation | fortifyfoundation |
self-sufficientfoundation | moldfoundation | frownfoundation |
carefoundation | ennoblefoundation | merefoundation |
foundation | Enriquefoundation | nafoundation |
conefoundation | flushedfoundation | offerfoundation |
convenfoundation | tenderfoundation | sufferfoundation |
I believedfoundation | hindersfoundation | acknowledgefoundation |
faintfoundation | sadfoundation | recrudesfoundation |
fadefoundation | numbsfoundation | rejuvenatefoundation |
embellishfoundation | oldfoundation | Renafoundation |
stultifyfoundation | envilefoundation | redressfoundation |
dwarffoundation | clarifyfoundation | comefoundation |
impoverishedfoundation | scatterfoundation | alreadyfoundation |
I believedfoundation | nafoundation | comefoundation |
frownfoundation | torfoundation | alreadyfoundation |
carefoundation | flowerfoundation | recrefoundation |
decrefoundation | merefoundation | reducefoundation |
scatterfoundation | offerfoundation | redressfoundation |
failfoundation | sufferfoundation | traslufoundation |
hatedfoundation | facefoundation | deaffoundation |
overfoundation | hardenfoundation | hindersfoundation |
happenfoundation | go crazyfoundation | clarifyfoundation |
numbfoundation | moldfoundation | stablefoundation |
I do not knowfoundation | mutefoundation | darkfoundation |
whiteningfoundation | blackenfoundation | re-bloomfoundation |
exaltedfoundation | I will enrarefoundation | glowfoundation |
you disqualifiedfoundation | dwarffoundation | proudfoundation |
dislikefoundation | comfortfoundation | restockedfoundation |
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