H Rules Example
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The h it is a letter that presents difficulties in its writing since it is a spelling that does not represent a sound particular in Spanish. The exception is the case of some words that come from foreign languages (foreign words), in which the h has a sucking sound, for example in hamster or Hawaii.
Some rules to consider about using the h They are:
1. They are written with h the words that they start with hydra-, hydro-
- Examples: hydraacid, hydrargirio, hydrato, hydraulic, hydroairplane, hydrobiology, hydrocarbide, hydrogeno, hydro
2. They are written with h the words that they start with hyper-
- Examples: hyperbática, hipérbaton, hyperchlorhídric, hyperesthesia, hyper
3. They are written with h the words that they start with hiccup-
- Examples: hiccupcountryside, hiccupcorístico, hipócritically, hiccupteak, hiccuptherm, hipó
4. They are written with h the words that they begin with the diphthong EU
- Examples: hueAC, hueco, huerco, huerta, huertero, hueSW, huevo, hue
5. They are written with h the words that they start with hecto- Y hepta-
- Examples: hectoliter, hectogram, heptahedron, heptagonal, heptasyllabus.
6. They are written with h the words that they start with hexa-
- Examples: hexahedron, hexagonal, hexacordo, hexasyllabus.
7. They are written with h the words that they start with hemi-
- Examples: hemicycle, hemisphere, hemiplegia, hemiskull, hemistichio, hemiplegic.
8. The conjugations of verbs whose infinitive is written with h
- Examples: hspeakhI speak, hspoke, hwould you speak, hablé), hhypnotizehshocked, hwill hypnotize, hhypnotizing), haberhubo, hopen, hopened, hOh), habituarhabating, hwould abituaria, habhabited)
9. Some interjections like Ah! Bah! Huy! Hey! Oh!
- Continue with: Words with ch
+400 Examples of words with h
Examples of words with h initial
Words that start with hydra- and hydro-:
- Hidracid
- Hidratation
- Hidrate
- Hidrate
- Hhydraulic
- Hidrocarbon
- Hidrocephaly
- Hhydrocephalus
- Hidroelectric
- Hhydrophilic
- Hidrography
- Hidrological
- Hidropic
- Hidroplane
- Hidropterline
- Hideal
- Hidrosol
- Hidrotechnics
- Hidrotherapy
- Hidrotimetry
- Hidrothymmetric
- Hidrothorax
- Hhydroxyl
Words that start with hyper-:
- Hiperbatic
- Hiperbatic
- Hipérbato
- Hipérbaton
- Hipérbola
- Hipérbole
- Hiperbolic
- Hiperbolic
- Hiperbolize
- Hiperboloid
- Hiperborean
- Hiperchlorhidric
- Hhypercritical
- Hiperdulía
- Hiperemia
- Hiperesthesia
- Hiperesthetic
- Hiperhidrosis
- Hipericynean
- Hipermetry
- Hipermetropic
- Hipermetropia
- Hipertension
- Hipertensive
- Hiperthermia
- Hipertonia
- Hipertonic
- hipertrophy
- Hipertrophy
- Hipertrophy
Words that start with hiccup-:
- Hipocampo
- Hipocastana
- Hipocaust
- Hipocenter
- Hipocycloid
- Hipochlorhidria
- Hipochlorhidric
- Hhypochondria
- Hipochondriac
- Hhypochondric
- Hhypocoristic
- Hhypocrisy
- HIpocrite
- HIpocritically
- Hipódromo
- Hhypoglycemia
- Hhippogriff
- Hipologist
- Hhippopotamus
- Hipostasis
- Hiposulfate
- Hiposulfite
- Hipoteca
- Hipotecario
- Hipotension
- Hipotenusa
- Hipothermia
- Hhypothesis
- Hipothetic
- Hipotonic
Words that start with hue-:
- Hueco
- Hhang up
- Hstriker
- Huelgistic
- Huella
- Horphanhood
- Hport
- Hbone
- Hwow
- Huesudo
- Hnew
- Hnew
Words that start with hecto- Y hexa-
- Hectogram
- Hectoliter
- Heptahedron
- Heptagonal
- Heptasyllable
- Hexacordo
- Hexahedron
- Hhexagonal
- Hexasyllable
Verbs that start with h:
- Henable
- Habide
- Habit
- Hspeak: I would speak...
- Hacinar
- Hpraise
- Hamacar
- Hambrear
- Hartar
- Hastiar
- Hcast out
- Helar
- Herborize
- Hereda
- Hermetize
- Herr
- Hruin
- Hibernate
- Hidrate
- Hidrolyze
- Hignite
- Hilar
- Hilvanar
- Hincar
- Hinchar
- Hipar
- Hhypnotize
- Hipotecar
- Hitar
- Hbrowse
- Holgar
- Hsnuff
- Hhomogenize
- Homologize
- Hwave
- Hpraise
- Honorify
- Honrar
- Hpray
- Hdecorate
- Hterrorize
- Hospedar
- Hospitalize
- Hharass
- Hhear
- Humanize
- Humar
- Hsmoke
- Humect
- Humidify
- Humillar
- Hurge
- Hurtar
- Husmear
Examples of words with h intermediate
- Aclorhidric
- Adhesion
- Adhesivo
- TOhfixed
- TOhilar
- TOhilar
- TOhnow
- TOhadorn
- TOhspeaker
- TOhpray
- TOhorative
- TOhgold
- TOhuecar
- TOhboning
- TOhumar
- TOhused
- Albohol
- Aukhaz
- Aukhuete
- Alcohol
- Alcoholeic
- Alcoholization
- Anhelar
- Anhelo
- AnhBear
- Anhidid
- Antihhero
- Antihigienic
- Antihumano
- Autoadhesivo
- Azahar
- Bahía
- Wellhabused
- Wellhumorado
- Bohemia
- Buhchipmunk
- Buhor
- Poophuate
- Carbhidrate
- Causehabiente
- Chlorinehidric
- Coahuilense
- Cohabide
- Coherence
- Cohesion
- Cohesionator
- Cohesivo
- Cohetes
- Cohgone
- Cohibir
- Againsthaz
- Againsthile
- Deahhear
- Deahogo
- Deahucio
- Deshabide
- Deshacer
- Deshdragged
- Deshelar
- Deshidratation
- Deshidracted
- Deshhydrating
- Deshielo
- Deshilar
- Desheye
- Deshonestantly
- Deshonestity
- Deshonor
- Deshonra
- Deshboning
- Deshbone
- Deshumanization
- Deshumanize
- Onharinar
- Onhebrar
- Onhorabuena
- Onhorcar
- Enmohecer
- Enmohstale
- Formerhalation
- Formerhwinged
- Formerhwing
- Formerhaustivity
- Formerhaustive
- Formerhausto
- Formerhibitionist
- Formerhibidor
- Formerhibir
- Formerhortative
- Formerhortho
- Formerhumation
- Formerhumador
- Fahrenheit
- Faithhaciente
- Fluorinehidric
- Gentilehombre
- Goethiano
- Guardhumo
- Inaprehensible
- Incoherence
- Incohfront
- Incoherectly
- Inexhausto
- Infrahumano
- Inhagile
- Inhability
- Inhenable
- Inhfolding
- Inhabused
- Inhsorrel
- Inhalation
- Inhwinged
- Inhwing
- Inhallable
- Inherence
- Inhfront
- Inhibition
- Inhibidor
- Inhibir
- Inhthis
- Inhonesto
- Inhospital
- Inhospitality
- Inhospito
- Inhumation
- Inhmanly
- Inhhumanity
- Inhumano
- Inhumar
- Haharí
- Hahrake
- Hehhova
- Labihhated
- Lanzacohetes
- Llanquihuano
- Lomienhthis
- Maharajá
- Maharanian
- Mahometane
- Mahometize
- Mahonesa
- Wrongherr
- Wrongheye
- Wronghumor
- Wronghumorado
- Marihuana
- Ihto
- Menuhto go
- Mehrab
- One thousandhojas
- Moharra
- Mohattra
- Mohecer
- Mohage
- Moheña
- Mohín
- Mohindad
- Mohwrong
- Mohor
- Mohbear
- Mohur
- Nahua
- Nahual
- Nahualism
- Nahuatl
- Nahuatlato
- Nahuatle
- Neitherhil
- Neitherhility
- Neitherhilism
- Neitherhilist
- Novohispano
- Pahua
- Palhuén
- BreadhElenism
- Breadhispanic
- Pairhilera
- Parihuela
- Pehuén
- Perihelio
- Pihua
- Whistlehgoverness
- Polialcohol
- Prehelenic
- Prehispanic
- Prehistoria
- Prehistoric
- Prohibition
- Prohibida
- Prohgone
- Prohibir
- Prohibitive
- Prohroom
- Prohfixation
- Prohombre
- Protohistoria
- Protohistoric
- Psychohistoria
- Rahthere
- Rehabilitation
- Rehenabler
- Rehenable
- Rehacer
- Rehthere
- Reharto
- Rehon
- Reherr
- Rehiletero
- Rehor me
- Rehmoisten
- Rehsunk
- Rehuse
- Challengehile
- Breakhielos
- Sahumar
- Onherido
- Onhbone
- Onhumano
- Sulfhidric
- Taheli
- TahItalian
- Tahona
- Tahur
- Tarehumara
- Cardhabiente
- Teahuano
- Teotihuacano
- Barhile
- Afterhoguero
- Afterhumante
- Truhan
- Truhanería
- Truhanesco
- Turbohelice
- Hehaje
- Hehar
- Heharina
- Hehear
- Hehgone
- Hehor
- Basquehablante
- Gohemencia
- Gohmind
- Gohmentally
- Gohicular
- Gohicle
- Candlehí
- Sawhuela
- Yihad
- Zahareño
- Zahon
- Zaheridor
- Zaherring
- Zaherr
- Zahinar
- Zahon
- Zahwave
- Zahi heard
- Zahorra
- Zanahoria
- Bramblehan
Examples of words with h final
- TOh
- Bah
- Capararoch
- Chromlech
- Crónlech
- ANDh
- Kitsch
- Maquech
- ORh
- Sandwich
- ORh
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