250 Examples of Esdrújulas Words (separated into syllables)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words Esdrújulas
The esdrújulas words are those whose stressed syllable is the penultimate and always have an accent. For example: pajaro, ráI ask.
Words can be classified according to what syllable It is accented, that is, which syllable is pronounced with greater intensity (whether or not it has an accent in the written language). The syllables that are pronounced with greater intensity are called stressed syllables.
The other types of words are sharp, whose stressed syllable is the last (television, mattress), the grave, whose stressed syllable is the penultimate (dog condor) and the sobreesdrújulas, whose stressed syllable is the one before the penultimate (open it to me, quickly).
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Examples of esdrújulas words separated into syllables
Open it: á bre what | Liver: hi ga do |
Academic: a ca from my co | Hypocrite: hi po cri ta |
Staunch: a EC rri mo | Racecourse: hi po dro mo |
Accept it: a cép ta lo | Hispanic: his pa nor co |
Unleavened: á how | Hysterical: his tea rich |
Aphonic: a fo nor co | Humanistic: hu ma nís you co |
Africa: Á cold | Humorous: hu mo laugh you co |
Agricultural: a yelled tail | Iberian: i bé rich |
Reach it: at dog za lo | Idol: í do what |
Rejoice: a you gre I know | Illegitimate: i le gí you mo |
America: A I delicious | Pictures: i more genes |
Tonsil: a mig give the | Picture it: i ma gí na what |
Angle: an gu what | Unmistakable: I ne here vo co |
Cheer up: a neither mate | Informatics: in for more you ca |
Antacid: an ti á ci do | Tasteless: in Yes I ask |
Antibiotic: an ti bió you co | Performer: in term pre te |
Anticipate it: an ti c stick | Islamic: is the my co |
Antonym. An to nor mo | Italic: i tá li co |
Apocope: a po co pe | Jurassic: ju rá yes co |
Apostrophe: a poster another faith | Dairy: lac i hear you |
Arab: á ra be | Tear: the gri ma |
Trees: ar bo them | Legitimate: you gí you mo |
Arithmetic: a rit I you ca | Lebanon: li bath |
Aromatic: a ro more you co | Dragonfly: li bé lu the |
Throw it: a rró ha it | Logic: it gi ca |
Arsenic: ar he nor co | Malaga: Ma the ga |
Artistic: ar tea you co | Maniac: ma girl you co |
Athletic: a tlé you co | Machine: more who |
Poultry: a saw tail | Maritime: ma laugh you mo |
Avid: á i saw do | Check it: sea what |
Help him: a yu give what | Mathematics. Mate more you ca |
Barbarian: Pub ba ro | Mechanic: me AC nor co |
Belgium: Bel gi ca | Media: me day you co |
Warlike: bé li co | Mexico: I xi co |
Vault: bo go da | Messianic: me yes nor co |
Broccoli: bro co li | Metallurgical: me ta lur gi co |
Compass: bru Thu | Microphone: mi cró fo no |
Search: bus remains | Millimeter: mi li subway |
Calculation: lime cu what | Look at it: me ra it |
Warm: AC li do | Model: mo from li co |
Warmly: AC li da mind | Monaco: Mo na co |
Camera: AC ma ra | Monotonous: mo not tone |
Pitcher: dog ta ro | Bat: mur ce the go |
Chaotic: ca ó you co | Naples: Na for them |
Cover: car á you the | Novelistic: does not see ls you co |
Jails: car ce them | Number: wildebeest Mere |
Shell: cás expensive | Ocean: o EC year |
Catastrophe: ca you another faith | Hide: o cúl ta te |
Catholic: ca to li co | Offer it: o fre cer I know |
Famous: EC bre him | Olympic: or lim peak |
Cell: EC lu the | Opal: ó stick |
Centimeter: cen you subway | Oracle: o rá cu what |
Centripetal: cen trí overalls | Orders: or from nes |
Ceramic: ce rá my ca | Organic: or ga nor co |
Cetacean: ce tá ce o | Orthopedic: or to pe say co |
Circle: circle cu what | Oxygen: o xi ge no |
Classic: clá yes co | Page: pa gi na |
Classify it: cla si fy what | Bird: pa hah ro |
Code: code go | Pale: pa li do |
Anger: co he ra | Pancreas: bread believe so |
Funny: co my co | Parasite: pa rá yes to |
Comfortable: co mode | Parentheses: pa ren you sis |
Accomplice: com pli ce | Parish priest: pa rro co |
Calculation: com pu to | Pathetic: pa tea you co |
Spouse: with yu ge | Movie: pe li cu la |
Skull: Ave ne o | Pentagon: pen tá go no |
Chronicle: cró nor ca | Penultimate: pen last you mo |
Quadrilateral: cua dri the I roam you | Newspaper: perió di co |
Cubic: what bi co | Paint it: pin ta lo |
Cusp: cous asks | Pyramid: pi rá measure |
Decrepit: of I believed pi to | Plastic: plas you co |
Labyrinth: from give what | Podiatrist: po do logo |
Deficit: from fi cit | Polygon: po li go no |
Deposit of po yes to | Gunpowder: pol vo ra |
Dermatologist: der ma to logo | Posthumous: poster you mo |
Dermal: der my co | Schedule it: pro graphic me it |
Didactic: say dác you co | Prostate: pros tá you co |
Dynamo: gave na mo | Brothel: pros you hoax |
Dramatic: dra more you co | Chemistry: here my ca |
Drastic: drás you co | Fast: rá I ask |
Ecological: e co it gi co | Innermost: re with say to |
Economical: e with ó my co | Rectangle: rec so gu what |
Army: e jér ci to | Lightning: re The m pay |
Elastic: e the you co | Rhetoric: re to delicious |
Electrical: e lec tri co | Ridiculous: ri gave cu what |
Encyclopedic: en ci clo pe say co | Romantic: ro man you co |
Endocrine: in do cri no | Saturday: sat ba do |
Equivocal: e here vo co | Say hello: sa lú give what |
Erratic: e rrá you co | Sarcastic: sar cás you co |
Skeptic: it is cép you co | Sarcophagus: sar co fa go |
Scrawny: is how li do | Satellite: sa tea li te |
Esdrújula: is drú Thu | Wild. of he you co |
Spatula: is pa you the | Semantic: se man you co |
Esophagus: e SW fa go | Know it: I know for it |
Spatula: is pa you the | Syllable: Yes the ba |
Show: es pec tá cu what | Sympathetic: sim pa you co |
Statistical: is ta day you co | Synchronous: without cró nor co |
Static: is tá you co | Synonym: yes not nor mo |
Aesthetic: is tea you co | Soviet: so Fri you co |
Ethiopian: e you or pe | South Africa: Su gives cold |
Ecstasy: former ta sis | Add it up: its bad |
Fable: fa bu la | Tarantula: ta rán you the |
Factual: easy you co | Technique: technical nor ca |
Fanatic: fa na you co | Phone: te you fo no |
Fantastic: fan you you co | Tentacle: have tá cu what |
Fateful: fa you say co | Finished: term My no |
Let's celebrate: fes te heh we will | Earthly: you rri tail |
Physical: fy yes co | Dismal: tea tri co |
Phonetic: fo né you co | Typical: ti pi co |
Foreign: fo rá ne o | Transport it: Trans for you |
Match: phos fo ro | Triangle: tri an gu what |
Gargoyle: gar go the | Triptych: trip you co |
Geographic: ge o graphic fi co | Tropic: tro peak |
Geological: ge o it gi co | Tunica. your nor ca |
Geometric: ge o I tri co | Latest: last you mo |
Gland: glan du la | Unique: ú nor co |
Gondola: gon do the | Unison: u neither so no |
Gothic: go you co | Utopian: u to peak |
Graph: graphic fi ca | Vandal: go give what |
Grammar: gra more you ca | Velodrome: go it dro mo |
Do it: ha ga lo | Vertex. watch you ce |
Helicopter: he li cop I roam you | Vertigo: watch you go |
Hero: he ro e | Snake: saw bo ra |
Heterogeneous: he te ro ge ne o | Drone: zan won |
Hydraulic: hi drau li co | Zodiac: zo gave to co |
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