100 Examples of Monoline Syllables
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Monoline Syllables
The monoline syllables are those made up of a single letter, which necessarily in Spanish must be a vowel, (since there are no syllables composed of a single consonant). For example: AC-í
Let us remember that every word is a sound chain made up of letters (minimum units) and most of them can be pronounced insofar as they are accompanied by others in the form of syllables.
One of the first rules of hyphenation says that you can never find a syllable made up of only consonant letters. An exception to this is represented by the word 'y' (addition connector), whose only syllable is that same letter, a consonant.
There are only six monolithic syllables: the five vowel letters of the alphabet, and the consonant "y" when it sounds like "i": A, E, I, O, U, Y.
A common case of monolithic syllables occurs in the presence of hiatuses, where the syllable is divided and two autonomous syllables are formed. The syllables that are made up of more than one letter are called "polilíteras".
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Examples of monolithic syllables
In the following list with two hundred words with monolithic syllables as an example, the whole word is shown first and then, highlighted in red, the monolithic syllable (s).
- I heard: or–í–to
- I fell: ca-í
- Wrinkled: to-rru-go
- Sugar: to-zú-car
- Pray: or-rar
- Wandering: and-rran-te
- Canoe: spout-to
- Cleanliness: to-I know-or
- Love: to-mor
- Hero: hé-ro-and
- college: or-no-see-if-dad
- Friendship: to-mis-tad
- Olive: or-li-vo
- Cooperative: co-or-pe-ra-ti-va
- Used: or-sa-do
- Chaotic: ca-ó-ti-co
- Fight: pe-le-to
- Finished: to-cape
- Elementary: and-le-mind-tal
- Sawdust: to-sawdust
- Anger: and-no-ho
- Derisory: i-rri-so-rio
- Used: or-sa-do
- Oblong: or-blon-go
- Emanate: and-well
- Weariness: have-you-or
- Pulley: po-le-to
- Loa: it-to
- Acclaim: to-clamor
- Elephant: and-le-fan-te
- Fan: to-ba-ni-co
- Drop: ca-í–gives
- Udder: or-bre
- Corrode: I run-and
- Affront: to-fren-ta
- Delusion: i-lu-sion
- Whitening: blan-que-or
- Aunt: you-to
- Spike: pú-to
- Odor: or-lor
- Sour: to-cry
- Ogre: or-gre
- Ebony: é-bath
- Azalea: to-za-le-to
- Celery: to-cheep
- Garlic: to-jo
- Ogive: or-ji-va
- Nail: or-ña
- Emollient: and-mo-lien-te
- Coat: to-bri-go
- Bee: to-be-ha
- Skirt steak: to-rra-che-ra
- Rooftop: to-zo-te-to
- Love: to-mor
- Acclimate: to-cli-ma-tar
- Yearn: to-year-rar
- Clean: to-se-ar
- Cleanliness: to-I know-or
- Amazed: to-to-ni-to
- Penny pincher: to-va-ro
- Grocery: to-bar
- To bet: to-pos-tar
- Snatch: to-rre-ba-tar
- Jeer: to-bu-chear
- Rooftop: to-zo-te-to
- Atheist: to-tea-or
- Raze: to-rra-sar
- Lay down: to-Cost
- Ebola: and-ball
- Muleteer: to-rrie-ro
- Knead: to-ma-sar
- Annotate: to-notice
- Arrimar: to-rri-mar
- That is: or-I know-to
- Obama: or-ba-ma
- Oil: or-leo
- Audacity: or-sa-say-to
- Other: or-other
- Other: or-tra
- Omar: or-sea
- Seat: to-I feel
- I evaluate: and-va-lú-or
- Sawdust: to-sawdust
- Couple: to-co-plar
- To bully: to-co-sar
- Breath: to-lien-to
- Aloe: to-it-and
- Apogee: to-po-ge-or
- Drool: ba-be-to
- Wasteland: bal-dí-or
- Biography: bio-gra-fí-to
- biology: bio-lo-gí-to
- Geography: geo-gra-fí-to
- Philosophy: fi-lo-so-fí-to
- master's degree: ma-es-trí-to
- River: rí-or
- Would know: co-no-ce-rí-to
- Would speak: ha-bla-rí-to
- would send: man-da-rí-to
- Would receive: re-ci-bi-rí-to
- Would count: con-ta-rí-to
- Would steal: ro-ba-rí-to
- Would show: show-tra-rí-to
- Would surplus: so-bra-rí-to
- Would roll: ro-da-rí-to
- Would count: con-ta-rí-to
- Would knead: a-ma-sa-rí-to
- Would have: ten-drí-to
- Would: se-laugh-to
- Would go: i-ri-to
- Would put: pon-drí-to
- Would touch: to-ca-rí-to
- Would write: es-cri-bi-rí-to
- Would write: re-dac-ta-rí-to
- Would work: work-ba-ja-rí-to
- Would build: cons-tru-i-rí-to
- Would cook: co-ci-na-rí-to
- Would clean: clean-pia-rí-to
- Day: gave-to
- Would say: di-rí-to
- Diarrhea: dia-rre-to
- It would take: to-ma-rí-to
- Elysium: and-li-se-or
- Wish: de-se-or
- Toward: ha-c-to
- Same: i-alike
- Iguana: i-gua-na
- Cold: frí-or
- Homeopathy: ho-meo-pa-tí-to
- Dizziness: ma-reor
- Would see: go-rí-to
- Would visualize: vi-sua-li-za-rí-to
- I would observe: ob-be-va-rí-to
- Would cut: cor-ta-rí-to
- Would plan: pla-ni-fi-ca-rí-to
- Would carry: Lle-va-rí-to
- Would dream: so-ña-rí-to
- Would cry: cry-ra-rí-to
- I would play: ju-ga-rí-to
- Tide: ma-reto
- Matthew: Mate-or
- Shorten: to-cut off
- Mine: My-to
- Own: My-or
- Museum: Mu-se-or
- Ship: na-vi-or
- Planting: plan-you-or
- Psychiatry: psi-quia-trí-to
- It rained: I-vi-to
- Spike: pú-to
- Stir: to-ti-zar
- Would collect: re-cau-da-rí-to
- Laugh: rí-and
- I knew: sa-bí-to
- Apogee: to-po-ge-or
- Open: to-open
- Cold: re-frí-or
- Gathers: reú-ne
- Nod: ca-be-ce-to
- Would swim: na-da-rí-to
- Would hang: col-ga-rí-to
- I would steal: ro-ba-rí-to
- Spit: to-sa-dor
- Roast: to-sa-do
- Abacus: á-Bacchus
- Rice: to-rice
- Apostrophe: to-pos-tro-fe
- Attenuate: to-te-nuar
- Spank: to-zo-tar
- Tune: to-ti-nar
- Sulfur: to-zu-fre
- Fan: to-ba-ni-co
- Agonizing: to-go-ni-co
- Rapture: to-rre-ba-to
- Nod: ca-be-ce-to
- Falls off: ca-and
- Drop: ca-í-gives
- Cardiology: car-dio-lo-gí-to
- I used to eat: co-me-to
- Trust: con-fí-to
- Hunting: ca-ce-rí-to
- Confectionery: con-fi-te-rí-to
- Keep going: con-ti-nú-to
- Would wreck: nau-fra-ga-rí-to
- Believed: cre-í-do
- Decahedron: de-ca-and-dro
- Sociology: so-cio-lo-gí-to
- Theater: tea-to-tro
- Zoology: zo-or-lo-gí-to
- Challenge: de-sa-fí-or
- aerial: to–é-convict
- Airline: to–and-ro-line
- Challenge: de-sa-fí-and
- Wasteland: bal-dí-or
- engineering: in-ge-nie-rí-to
- Read: le-í
- Abolish: to-bo-lir
- Tuna: to-you n
- Note: to-pun-te
- Point: to-pun-tar