In Spanish, the words that start with zap- are, for the most part, nouns Y adjectives. For example: zapto, zapato, zapdragging, zapathlete. Between the verbs that begin with this sequence are found zaparY zapathear.
Several of these words form families. For example: zapato, zapatazo, zapatero, zapateria, zapathear, zapatheist; zapto, zapador, zapar.
The word zapping, used to refer to the repeated change of television channel by means of the remote control, is a voice english; it is recommended to use the Spanish word instead zapeo.
zapto | zapdragging | zapatillazo |
zapador | zaptie | zapatism |
zapallar | zapatazo | zapathlete |
zapallito | zapatheated | zaptied |
zapallo | zapatheist | zapand |
zaplot | zapatheist | zapear |
zapapico | zapateria | zapeo |
zapar | zapatheist | zapotazo |
zaparrada | zapatheist | zapote |
zapdrag | zapatilla | zapoteca |
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