The words starting with al- they are very frequent in Spanish. For example: to thewarehouse, to thearmante, to theenter.
Many of the nouns that start with these letters are arabisms, that is, words that originate from the Arabic language. For example: to thecalde, to themoldy.
But there are also other nouns that have no origin in this language. For example: to thega, to theambre.
Also, they start with at:
to the | to theentrant | to thembar |
to theto | to theergy | to theMy gift |
to theencom | to theerta | to thelookout |
to thebaricoque | to theeta | to themoldy |
to theacena | to theetargar | to themohadón |
to theacran | to thefabeto | to themorzar |
to theambre | to thefajor | to theshaded |
to thelove | to thefalfa | to theeye |
to theblaze | to thefarería | to thebale |
to theweapon | to thefil | to thepargata |
to thebahaca | to theshadow | to thepinism |
to thebathtub | to thega | to thequilar |
to thebedrío | to thegebra | to thetamar |
to thebergar | to thego | to thetar |
to thebino | to thecotton | to thespeaker |
to theborotar | to thegorithm | to theterar |
to theboom | to theguacil | to theternative |
to thecalde | to theguien | to theroof |
to thecancia | to thegún | to thetillo |
to thecantarilla | to theiance | to thetiplano |
to thehit | to theias | to thetitude |
to theEC | to theicate | to theto |
to thecoba | to theienar | to thebumpy |
to thealcohol | to thento | to thetruist |
to theof year | to theigerar | to theubia |
to theact | to theimplant | to theamazing |
to theage | to theinear | to theYou |
to theegar | to theisar | to theudir |
to theegory | to theistar | to thealuminum |
to theegre | to theivio | to theum no |
To thealexander | to thelegacy | to theunification |
to theejaculate | to theli | to theuvion |
To theejo | to thema | to theczar |
to theeman | to thewarehouse | to thezheimer |
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