The words that start with ra- understand nouns, adjectives Y verbs. For example: ratop, rabiose, rallar.
In some cases, these words form families: rama, ramaje, ramify, ramification; razone, razone, razoneable.
In several of these words, the sequence ra- is part of the compositional element radio-, which means "radioactivity" or "broadcasting", as the case may be. For example: radiology, radiography, radiotherapy; radiotelegraph, radiotaxi, radiofrequency.
raba | radiotelecommunication | rap |
rábath | radiotelephony | rapacity |
rabia | radiotelegrapher | rapair |
rabino | radiotelegram | rapeace |
rabious | radiotelescope | rabut |
rabo | radiotelevision | ráI ask |
racial | radiotherapy | rapineapple |
ratop | raer | rapsodia |
ration | ráfaga | raqueta |
rational | raGoing | rapray |
rationality | raigambre | rasky skies |
racrate | raíz | rascar |
raschism | rajadura | rasero |
ragives | rathe | rasgadura |
ragive | ralear | rasgo |
radiation | raslow down | ranext |
radiactivity / radioactivity | rallador | raspar |
radiador | rabruise | rasta |
radiante | rallar | rastream |
radical | rama | rastrillo |
rasay | rambla | rastro |
rait gave | ramify | rastrojo |
raamateur dio | ramillet | rasweat |
radiocommunication | ramonear | rata |
radiodiagnosis | rampa | raudo |
radiodiffusion | rampante | rayar |
rabroadcasting station | ramplon | rame |
radiophony | rana | rayon |
radiofrequency | ranchera | rayuela |
radiography | rancho | raza |
raDioreceptor | rabirth | razone |
ragoddess | ranking | razoneable |
radiotaxi | ranura | razone |
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