The serious words (also called "plain words“) Are the ones that are stressed in the second to last syllable. For example: YesI callchithe.
The other types of words according to their stress are the sharp (stressed on the last syllable), the esdrújulas (accentuated in the penultimate) and the sobreesdrújulas (accented on the syllable before the third to last).
Exception: There are some serious words that are written with a tilde even if they end in N, S or vowel. In those cases it is a hiatus: a closed vowel (i, u) is stressed together with an open vowel (a, e, o). For example: antologíto, laughor.
flagrado | ECha | lessprecio |
abandonot | ccieit | meshehro |
abaneitherco | surgegíto | merACdo |
embracetado | cocinas | menisnot |
tobasto | I cooknando | mochithe |
tobeha | coyougio | momento |
abejorro | you eatyouble | naranha |
aberyoura | comegives | notSWothers |
abigarrado | conditionswhileto | orjos |
softengivesdo | conjurado | ombligo |
abominable | consehehro | orfromnot |
toborto | countneitherto | orSW |
openYesvo | withtiene | pathebra |
tobrazo | corrector | para |
tobrigo | runslaughto | pasaheh |
absolutetismo | corro | countryto |
togoodit | corrito | pecho |
conditionnado | corrige | pewhatnot |
towhatRiver | cortinado | peit |
toCuerdo | notebookneithercry | perro |
aquarethe | cuchicry | footdra |
acusado | fromcigives | pierna |
administertrado | fromcisivo | pinyoura |
todornot | demoAveInc | planeta |
toduana | fromfortea | planfiAC |
todulto | despechado | plaalready |
tofecta | come offIncdo | pluma |
yearneitherto | diccionaRiver | copcace |
toguide | dientea | porocough |
aire | directgíto | positivevismo |
winggado | disciplina | priIro |
alcantarilla | diskteaAC | problema |
toyougre | distinyouvo | proECSW |
aleyelledto | docentea | programa |
to thefombra | dominateslaughto | puerto |
to thegunot | domingo | whatheedo |
alineado | dormedo | whatman |
storenero | ecologíto | rationlismo |
starchnado | ecosisteama | rama |
highnantea | andfecto | reciben |
to theyouvo | elefantea | redacto |
alumbrando | embudo | answersable |
lovesricry | employedtodo | rheumatolusgíto |
tomego | empresa | revista |
to mytoSW | Jangíto | rhinoceRontea |
Analiza | andnotjo | laughor |
anesthesiolgíto | testthegives | roAC |
anonagivesgives | ontonces | rojo |
antes | it ispera | rombo |
antologíto | isACgives | breakslaughto |
anuthebeef | it istashe gave | ropa |
yearranza | stereoyoupo | rosa |
apelando | it isyoumo | rosaRiver |
apestoSW | it isthreella | rugíto |
Apollogíto | structureyoura | sabito |
aprenfrom | is yourdaytes | Salttaba |
Argentyouna | stupefiedone hundredtes | saludo |
artea | is yourpengives | saintgaveto |
acepecto | eugegirl | saintto |
toitsI | excelentea | I knowmana |
tosunto | exhibitionnismo | I knowlaughto |
tohaveto | exploYesvo | I knowRiver |
atontado | extraordinarynaRiver | S.I.Gus |
aumenta | famelia | Yeslla |
tovispa | Fernando | sindiACto |
bahito | photographfyto | sisteama |
balanza | fruto | SWnata |
banana | futurismo | SWneitherdo |
banco | gallina | SWñado |
bangivesgives | ganado | sorpresa |
banfromha | gechild | rafflelaughto |
bangavedo | gastado | suertea |
banot | gato | itshehta |
banwhatro | generoSW | southgíto |
goodnessdoSW | gordo | teacla |
borgivesdo | grito | teacho |
bota | you keeppalyou give | temperayoura |
botea | guirfinalgives | terma |
brillantea | guitarra | tierra |
goodnot | gusanot | usefulfrom |
bufangives | hispanot | toma |
busco | histoestuary | tonto |
ACbacry | increíble | tormenta |
ACbeza | ingenuo | tornado |
ACble | instrumento | trabajo |
ACfromra | infrinot | trapo |
creekbaza | irresponsiblesable | tristeaza |
limezado | kilogramo | uniwatchSW |
ACma | lapiECra | urolusgíto |
camera oflaughto | liberado | heAC |
ACIcry | Lluvia | comefromwe |
caminantea | luna | selllaughace |
caminawe | teachertríto | comedrito |
ACmesas | sendrina | frines |
campesthree | manteaAC | sawgíto |
ACra | manzana | visto |
cardumon | mañana | volumen |
carne | Mariposa | vueit |
carpeta | seates | shoelaughto |
ACrreta | masculinot | zapato |