In Spanish, the words that start with eco- they are not too frequent. For example: echolodge, echoIt is not mine, echolalia.
Among them, most are:
It should be noted that many of these terms are formed by the compositional element eco-, which can have different meanings: "house" or "abode" (echosystem); "ecological" (echotourism); "Electromagnetic wave" or "reflected sound" (echolocation).
echo | echologically | echonomicist |
echocardiography | echological | echonomic |
echocide | echologism | echonomism |
echospelling | echologistician | echonomist |
echographic | echoachieve | echonominate |
echographic designer | echologo | echoregion |
echolalia | echoIt is not mine | echosystem |
echolocation | echonomically | echosystemic |
echolocation | echonomicity | echoprobe |
echolodge | echonomicism | echotourism |
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