The words with ND they contain these two letters in the middle of the word, never at the beginning or at the end. This combination of letters is very common in Spanish, so there are many words in which it appears. For example: grande, singndo, mundor.
This combination does not have spelling rules specific and is very common because it appears in all gerunds. For example: lovesndor eatndor come outndor.
agendto | duendand | mundial |
lovesndor | sleepndor | offerndor |
appnder | choosendor | organizendor |
fixndor | encender | pandto |
ascender | entitynder | combndor |
atender | scanndHello | pendient |
dancendor | I wrotendor | Pintandor |
bandto | listensndor | pondrá |
bandeja | waitingndor | pretender |
bandit was | splendidndgone | profundor |
drinkndor | isndor | spreadndto |
blahndor | greatndor | recommendedndaction |
snortndto | extender | rememberndor |
seeksndor | fondor | redondor |
stallndAryan | fundto | rendleave |
changendor | fundamental | responder |
walkndor | fundar | rondto |
ACndidato | tourndor | i knewndor |
Dinnerndor | grandand | come outndor |
kitchenndor | guardndor | jumpndor |
atendor | speaksndor | followndor |
buysndor | hundto go | I knowndero |
condthat | índice | sindor |
condion | inddifferent | Yesndicato |
condor | indispensable | surprisedndentity |
conducir | indindividual | teandgum |
confundto go | indudable | teandrá |
buildndor | industrial | tiendto |
I correspondndand | go thendit is | worksndor |
whatndor | playndor | gonder |
defiendand | readndto | travelsndor |
dependnder | carryndor | Frindor |
sayndor | itndinense | I livedndto |
dondand | mandar | yendor |
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