The words with UD they usually contain these two letters in the middle and at the end of the word, but never at the beginning. For example: escYouor, fraYouand.
This combination does not have spelling rules specific and in Spanish there are many words in which it appears.
In some cases the words ending in -udo and -uda are used as derivatives of a noun to highlight a feature, indicate that it is very large or that you have a lot of something. For example: heartYougood luckYouor, barbYouor.
hereYouwinged | engrYouor | perjYouicial |
actitYou | erYouion | plenitYou |
acYouto go | slaveYou | prelYouio |
agYouhoist | escYouor | promptYou |
agYouor | sneezeYouor | prYougum |
altitYou | its TYougo | pseYouscience |
to theYouto go | exactitYou | pYouand |
amplitYou | felpYouor | pYouor |
anYouar | faithYouto the | pYoulaugh |
clapYouto go | forceYouor | pointedYouor |
aptitYou | fraYouand | quietYou |
tieYou | freeYou | laughedYouar |
toYouaz | huesYouor | recaYouar |
toYouphones | inaYouito | rectitYou |
toYouio | in himYouible | repYouio |
toYouitor | infinitYou | rYouinventory |
toYouitorio | restlessYou | rYouor |
OhYouto | jYouicial | sacYouto go |
barbYouor | jYouor | SaltYou |
barrackYouto | juventYou | SaltYouar |
beatitYou | latitYou | saYouita |
bermYouto | theYou | I knowYouonym |
bYouín | lentitYou | similitYou |
bYouist | youYouar | I requestedYou |
ACYouto the | longitYou | sYouadera |
ciYouad | lYouico | sYouAfrican |
conscientiousnessYouamente | magnitYou | sYouamerican |
heartYouto | menYouor | sYouthis |
crYouor | mYouass | sEUtough |
defraYouar | mYouor | testYouor |
fromYouto | multitYou | verisimilitYou |
dYouar | nYouillos | vicisitYou |
theYouto go | nYouor | virtYou |
embYouor | pelYouor | sawYouor |