The letters is letter number twenty in the alphabet and is one of the consonants most used. For example: saber, I knowcrisp, simpre, SWrpress, itssea.
Its pronunciation may vary in different countries, for example, in Latin America it is pronounced the same as Z or soft C, while in Spain its loudness changes significantly.
satbado | I knowntar | SWmbra |
satbana | I knowntence | SWFebruary |
saber | I knowhair | SWnest |
sabueso | I knowSeptember | SWsmile |
sacar | Yes | SWpa |
sal | Yesembra | SWdad |
Salamanca | Yescompany | SWplar |
salir | Yeslbato | SWprano |
samon | Yeslencio | itsbird |
salmine | Yeslvestre | itsbestimar |
salon | Yesmilar | itsbir |
salsa | Yesmpathy | itsbsist |
I knowcar | Yesmule | itsdetached |
I knowsecondary | Yesncope | Hisecia |
I knowmanna | Yesnthesis | itseldo |
I knowmile | Yesntoma | itselo |
I knowminary | SWl | itsyear |
I knownador | SWlimpet | itsltan |
I knowndero | SWlution | itssea |
I knownil | SWlvente | itsr |
sabiduria | salto | santo |
sabio | salud | sapo |
salida | sanot | sapan |
I knowsharpness | heI remove | I knowrrucho |
I knownourishment | I knowr | I knowserver |
I knowlady | I knowfast | I knowrpkin |
Yescompany | Yeslvana | Yesrena |
Yeson | Yesone thousand | Yessituation |
Yeslbar | Yesdull | Yestuar |
SWledad | SWsmile | SWrteo |
SWmnolence | SWrebete | SWstener |
SWwe | SWrpresa | SWtano |
itschristmas | itsmo | itsstay |
itsbir | itsrtido | itsstentable |
itsma | Hisfury | itsstrato |
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