100 Examples of Words with IE
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words with IE
The words with IE they usually contain these two letters in the middle, in less cases at the end, but never at the beginning of a word. The combination of these two letters is quite frequent in Spanish, that is why there are many words that contain it. For example: niego deciembre.
Since I is a weak vowel and E a strong vowel, when the weak vowel is not tonic they form diphthong, that is, these two letters belong to the same syllable. For example: mgor-co-les.The accent mark is placed according to the rules of accentuation.
When the weak vowel (the I) is stressed, it forms hiatus with the E, that is, these two letters belong to different syllables. For example: are-rí–and. In this case, the accent mark is always placed on the I, without taking into account the general rules of accentuation.
Examples of words with IE
abierto | decreaseiente | niego |
eventiento | troublesiego | niego |
adiestramiento | descendieRon | Noviembre |
someien | discoveredierto | obediente |
to theiento | desierto | paciencia |
ambiente | afterierto | pendiente |
hereietarse | Deciembre | lostieRon |
aceiento | dieciséis | pie |
audiencia | Diego | piedra |
self-sufficientiente | diente | piel |
bien | dieRon | piensa |
biewelcome | diestro | pierna |
limeiente | dieta | pieza |
changeie | diez | pimienta |
caries | I sleptieRon | putieing |
ciego | efficiencyiente | prefiero |
cieit | empieza | pudiera |
ciempgos | I understoodieRon | whatien |
cien | specie | whatiero |
ciencia | Fiel | reciente |
cierto | Fiesta | requiere |
ciervo | hacieing | riega |
cliente | toolienta | riesgo |
comienzo | hieit | snakeiente |
comieRon | hiena | siento |
conciencia | invierno | smileie |
concierto | Javier | superficialie |
metieRon | limpieza | tiempo |
corrieing | miedo | tiebaby |
I grewieRon | miel | tierra |
anyiera | miento | vieha |
cubierto | mientras | viento |
coverieRon | mgorcoles | viernes |
Daniel | borniento | vivieRon |
Sentences with words with IE
- I want live in a cabin in the mountains.
- Juliana think in the colors that wants for her dress party.
- He was a event very important that changed the lives of many people.
- On December there will be promotions to buy household appliances.
- Yesterday was a beautiful day, there was no wind no clouds.
- In the forest there were many deer.
- Juan I don't know feel well, his head hurts.
- Ana bought some slippers to have the hot feet on winter.
- In the flower shop they told me yes irrigation this flower every two days, it will grow very well.
- We have a lot weather until start the movie.
- I would need to buy a box of tools because forever it is good to have it.
- Elena knows awake every day at nine to go to work.
- The farmers they put the seeds in the land.
- From the part from the hotel we could see the snow.
- They will gave a gift to Esmeralda.
- The client went to the store to buy a camera.
- The players will gave the welcome to the new teammate.
- Daniel He has coffee with milk for breakfast every day.
- I can't find my car keys anywhere someone he saw them?
- Bees are very efficient manufacturing honey.
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