In Spanish, the combination of FL + vowel is quite frequent. For example: flamenco, flecha, flopray, fluctuar.
In the case of the FL + I combination, the number of examples, both at the beginning of a word and those that contain it, is less frequent. For example: flipair.
flaAC | flebitis | Floreence |
floacid | flecha | florentino |
flaacidity | flechero | floconvict |
flagelation | fleco | flobeef |
flagreat | fleheh | flochallenge |
flama | flema | flota |
flapiss | flematic | flotador |
flamenco | flequillo | flusituation |
flamirage | fletea | fluidez |
flan | flexible | flugone |
flanera | flexion | flujo |
flanicked | flexo | fluminense |
flaon | flipair | flooor |
flap | flirtear | flupray |
flash | floha | fluoruro |
flauta | floreado | fluvial |
flaAC | flamenco | flanick |
floacid | flapiss | flap |
flagelation | flan | flash |
flama | flanera | flauta |
flobil | flema | flemake possible |
flechar | fletea | flexible |
fleco | fleuterus | flexo |
flipa | flipe | flithey will |
flipant | flirteaban | flirtearon |
flipair | flirtear | flirteo |
floha | Floreence | floricultor |
flora | florentino | Florida |
floration | floconvict | flotability |
floreal | flochallenge | flotador |
flusituation | flooor | fluvial |
fluidez | flupray | flux |
flujo | fluoruro | fluyente |
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