The words with EA they can contain these letters in the middle of the word or at the end, but never at the beginning. For example: reality, lea, seaea.This combination of letters is very common in Spanish, so there are many words in which it appears.
Since E and A are strong vowels, they form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: i-rrand–tol.In this case, the accent mark it is placed according to the general rules of accentuation.
carryear | spontaneousea | stompedear |
aerolinea | estropear | planear |
boastear | europea | plantear |
aldeanot | geneealodge | plateado |
to theeathorium | hitear | quinceañera |
anteayer | grayishea | rastrear |
area | heterogeneea | reasufficiency |
asamblea | tributeear | reaopen |
aceeago | hornear | reaact |
whipea | husmear | reacio |
balanceado | goeas | reacondition |
balleaRiver | idealea | reasign |
batear | impermeable | reality |
whiteeador | instantea | realizar |
blockear | jadear | reanimar |
boycottear | jalea | reaknot |
boxeador | lealtad | reaseem |
bromear | leawe | readisturbance |
bronceador | lineea | recreation |
bucear | malteagives | roundeado |
cereathem | seaea | rodear |
blackmailear | mediterraneanea | tasteear |
chimneyea | merodear | sabotear |
chorrear | monitoreado | jumpedear |
Coloureado | nausea | sanguinea |
contemporaryea | norteamerican | I took outear |
coreana | nuclear | simultaneousea |
crear | ocahunique | Suneado |
fulfilledeaWildman | smellear | undergroundea |
deletrear | orchidea | surfear |
unlockear | blinkear | surreaready |
desear | countryear | tambaleante |
emplear | peaton | tarea |
wrongea | pelea | teanot |