In Spanish, there are many words that contain a vowel before B. For example: absurdo, ebRiver, ibto, obra, ubication. Although there are not many words that contain a vowel followed by the B in the same syllable (for example: sub-tea), there are several words that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: ce-bra).
In this language the differentiation between the sound of "be" and "ve" has been practically lost. Therefore, it is important to confirm if a certain word is written with B or with V.
absay | ebanist | obsessioned |
abSunday | ebyear | obsoleto |
abduct | ebRiver | obstacles |
abdenial | ebullition | obstante |
abdeny | ibto | obstetra |
abscess | Iberia | obstinate |
absolution | iberic | obstruir |
absolute | iberoamerican | obattention |
absolver | ibidem | obI have |
absorbent | objeto | obturator |
ababide | oblong | obvialy |
abstinence | oboe | obway |
abstracto | obra | obhe saw |
abstrayed | obsceno | Ubaldo |
abloose | obdrought | ubication |
absurdo | observant | ubicuity |
abproject | observe | ubre |
aba day | abeja | abrazor |
abplow | Abthe | abbreed |
abarcar | abstandard | abuela |
abecedary | absource | abuse |
ebanisteria | ebriety | ebullition |
ebyear | ebRiver | ebullometer |
ebranked | ebrious | ebulloscopy |
ibfrom aguereño | Iberia | iberoamerican |
iban | iberic | iberoro-Romanesque |
ibarreño | iberism | ibidem |
ibace | ibero | ibis |
obedience | obitinerary | obliquefied |
obelisco | objetable | oblistener |
obispo | obread | obreros |
Ubaldo | ubication | ubicuity |
ubicable | ubicate | ubre |
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