30 Examples of Metalinguistic Function
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Metalinguistic function
The metalinguistic function it's one of the six Language functions characterized by using language in order to speak about one's own language. For example: The letter "h" is silent and is not pronounced when speaking.
The metalinguistic function is used when it is intended to communicate something about the code itself in which the interlocutors are communicating (or about another code, such as when speaking in Spanish about the use of Words in English). It involves using language as a reference for communication.
Common uses of the metalinguistic function of language occur when we talk about the meaning of a word, the meaning it has in a particular context, the rules of pronunciation, etc. Dictionaries, linguistics and grammar books use this function to communicate knowledge about the language.
Language functions
The functions of language represent the different purposes that are given to language during communication. Each of them is used with certain objectives and prioritizes a certain aspect of communication.
Examples of the metalinguistic function
- The first word after a period is written with capital letters.
- The word beautiful is synonymous of the word beautiful.
- What you say does not make sense.
- High-pitched words are stressed on the last syllable, but only have an accent mark when they end in the letter "n", in the letter "s" or in a vowel.
- The Latin it is a dead language as no one uses it to communicate in their everyday life.
- The conjugation of verbs It depends on the person and the number.
- The word bank is a polysemic word, since it can refer to a seat or a banking institution.
- The letter "h”Is mute and does not speak when speaking.
- The words that rhyme they have a similar ending in the last syllable.
- The proper names of people or places they are always capitalized, no matter where they are in the sentence.
- The serious words they are stressed on the third to last syllable, while esdrújulas words are stressed on the third to last syllable.
- English, German, Mandarin, Spanish, French, and Italian are all different languages.
- The metalinguistic function is one of the six functions of language.
- There are two types of letters: vowels and consonants.
- Words and sentences may have different meanings for each person and depending on the context in which the communication takes place.
- The Italian language has several different dialects.
- Roman numerals are written using the letters "I", "V", "X", "L", "C", "M", always in capital letters.
- The words "hand" and "monkey" have three letters in common and sound very similar, but their meaning is very different.
- The verbal mode imperative it is used to give orders to the interlocutor.
- The eat and the point and as punctuation marks that are used to separate the elements of an enumeration, depending on whether the enumeration is simple (the comma) or complex (the semicolon).
- The word “otorhinolaryngology” has 20 letters.
- When the letter "u" has a colon on it, it is said to have an umlaut and that indicates that it should be pronounced.
- The adjectives are words that provide information about the nouns to which they are linked, while adverbs provide information about the verbs they accompany.
- Affixes are extensions that modify the original meaning of a word, and can be prefixes (if they are placed in front of the word) or suffixes (if they are placed behind).
- The word "finds", which is written with "ll", is a derivative of the verb "find", while the word "has", that is written with "and", it can be a derivative of the verb "have" or it can be a noun and refer to a tree.
- The word "thread" is a term derived from the Latin term "phylum".
- The antonyms are two or more words that designate ideas or elements opposite or contrary to each other, as for example "good" is antonym of "bad", "high" is antonym of "low", "sincere" is antonym of "you liar".
- The exclamation sentences They have a particular intonation, since they must be said with emphasis, they are written between exclamation marks, and they are used to express moods or exaltation.
- The letter "rr" (as in the word "dog"), has a strong pronunciation, which is achieved by vibrating the tongue against the palate.
- Sentences can have one or more words.
The communicative circuit
The various functions allow the language to be used in a complete way since the communication circuit is made up of different parts:
Follow with: Oral and written communication