Examples of Tissue Level
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
When we talk about tissue level, we refer to the different tissues that make up the body of living beings, that is to say, to the diverse degrees of cellular organization that operate to fulfill a determined function. For example: the skin, the heart, the brain.
These tissues can be made up of cell sets of the same or several types, of similar embryonic origin, that are distributed in a regular way and show a coordinated physiological behavior.
Not all living things present this level of biological organization, fruit of centuries of evolution and cellular differentiation. Only vascular plants and multicellular animals (metazoans) have specialized cellular tissues, based on four different tissue levels, which are:
It is possible to find more or less specialized tissues within each of these levels, performing point functions and diverse. All, absolutely all the cells of the body are part of one of these four levels of tissue organization.
Examples of tissue level
- The skin. Considered the “largest organ in the body”, this outer and superficial layer of tissue belongs to the epithelial level. In it, processes of absorption of ambient humidity or of the caloric energy environmental, as well as segregation of sweat and other lubricating substances.
- The heart. As we said before, this organ is made up almost entirely of muscle fibers, which allow it to keep pumping blood more or less quickly throughout our lives. This means that it is part of the muscle level, although it also contains connective and nerve cells that provide structure and regulate its functioning.
- Brain. Main part of the Central Nervous System (CNS), the body's "computer" obviously belongs to the nervous tissue level, composed of neural cells and glial. It is in charge of processing data, attending to conscious and unconscious processes, managing reflections, regulating levels of the body and is enclosed and protected in the cranial vault (which belongs to the tissue conjunctive).
- Joints. Composed mainly of cartilage, they are part of the connective tissue, a meeting point between large muscle and bone stripes. It is a specialized connective tissue, however: it lacks blood vessels, it is almost everything extracellular matrix and has the conditions of elasticity and resistance to serve as a cushion between the bones and cushion the impact possible.
- The ribs. Obviously made of bone, they also belong in this classification to connective tissue, since they provide support the body, protect the organs of the rib cage and mark the necessary structure of the torso. However, it is not the only thing they do: they also, like all bones, secrete red blood cells and other substances in the body that originate in the bone marrow.
- Exoskeletons. While the human body does not possess one (instead, it does possess an endoskeleton, that is, an internal one), certain arthropods, protists Y mushrooms have a chitin cover, a protein that they secrete to harden their epithelium and generate an external defense shield. This tissue, known as chitin tissue, is not very specialized and can be considered a type of connective tissue.
- Body fat. The so-called adipose tissue, which is made up of fats bodily diversity (good and bad, light and dense) is part of the connective tissue level, since they not only fulfill the role of being energy reservoirs (glucose), but also provide support, attachment and structure to various organs and segments of the Body.
- The sebaceous glands. These are tiny organelles that secrete lubricating material on the skin (sebum), the obstruction of which leads to the well-known acne disease. They are part, in this sense, of the epithelial tissue level, since they are part of the outer layer of the body and Its functions have the task of ensuring its preservation: ensuring that it is wet, lubricated and protected.
- Capillaries. These conduits through which blood travels in the body are made up of tissue belonging to both epithelial tissue (the external face of the interior of the capillaries, for example) and connective tissue (the thickness of the "tunnel" that constitutes the capillary). It is a good example of how various tissue levels come together to do their job.
- Nose. Similarly, the nose is nothing more than a set of cells with two levels: the conjunctiva, since it is made up almost entirely of cartilage; and the epithelial, since it is covered with skin and sweat and sebaceous glands.