20 Examples of String Instruments
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
String instruments
The string instruments are those that produce sound by the vibration of a series of strings from human action applied with the fingers, with the fist or with different types of accessory elements. For example: guitar, under, violin, zither.
Precisely the classification of string instruments - which make up a huge group, perhaps the majority of the instruments that exist - is based on the way the string produces the sound.
What does physics say?
A large part of the music is rooted in issues related to the physical, and particularly in stringed instruments an essential property of every string is important: the tension, since the more tensioned the string is (and the shorter it is), the higher the sound, while the more relaxed it is and the longer it is, the lower the sound.
The physical question of stringed instruments is based on a basic mechanism, which is that of the transverse wave propagating through the rope.
According to an international convention, for example, 'the'Which is to the right of the
'do' central piano produces a vibration at 440 Hz (440 times per second). By extension, for all instruments and mainly in concerts, this central parameter is taken.The physical properties also reach the way that different types of instruments acquire in terms of resonance, precisely what gives the particular sound to each one and allows the existence of a spectrum so big of stringed instruments.
Types of string instruments
As noted, the most important classification about stringed instruments is based on the way the string is moved to produce sound:
For rubbed and pulsed instruments, an additional differentiation is made with respect to whether or not they have frets, that is, those that have a demarcated separation on the fretboard to separate musical notes from staggered form and those that do not have that demarcation, in the latter the notes follow one another in the form of 'ramp'.
Examples of string instruments
Fiddle | Mandolin |
Double bass | Steel guitar |
Viola | Guitarron |
Cello | Charango |
Piano | Banjo |
Clavichord | Sitar |
Psalter | Zither |
Cymbal | Lute |
Harp | Under |
Guitar | Fretless bass |
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