In Spanish there are a lot of words ending in -illo and illa. Among them, you can find:
With respect to nouns, many of those that appear in this group are formed by the suffix -illo / -illa, which in most cases has a diminutive value. For example: treeillo, pieillo, trampilla.
Sometimes this suffix can take the forms -ecillo, -ececillo, -cillo. For example: panecillo, fishillo.
acribilla | chilla | I lookedilla |
acuchilló | cigaretteillo | monaguillo |
drainilla | colmillo | muletilla |
pillowilla | coronilla | worldillo |
altillo | costilla | orilla |
to loveillo | squareilla | ovillo |
anillo | unscrewilla | parrilla |
apolilló | desensilla | countryillo |
arcilla | gumsilla | pastilla |
ardilla | ensillo | heavyilla |
arenilla | entablilló | chopillo |
armillo | entrecomillo | pillo |
kneelilla | broomilla | planilla |
astilla | stampilla | plantilla |
screwedillo | stirrupillo | platillo |
barandilla | fruitilla | pocillo |
barbilla | gatillo | dustillo |
boatillo | gravilla | pointilla |
bastardilla | grillo | rabillo |
snackillo | hebilla | rastrillo |
bowlsillo | hornillo | followilla |
mouthilla | forkilla | semilla |
brillo | humilló | sencillo |
boxilla | thiefillo | silla |
dogilla | mancilla | tappetilla |
chapilla | butterilla | tomillo |
carilla | appleilla | tortilla |
cartilla | makeupilla | vainilla |
cartilla | wonderilla | vajilla |
capillo | martillo | varilla |
castillo | betterilla | windowilla |
caudillo | memberillo | villa |
cepillo | milla | strideilla |
brillo | guilla | silla |
chilla | milla | trilla |
grillo | pillo | villa |
altillo | mantilla | pocillo |
bowlsillo | martillo | rastrillo |
comilla | moreilla | rodillo |
knifeillo | worldillo | sencillo |
humillo | countryillo | tomillo |
lanilla | pitillo | You fillo |
pillowilla | cartilla | appleilla |
to loveillo | coronilla | monaguillo |
apolilló | desensilla | heavyilla |
armillo | foamilla | trastabilla |
barandilla | stampilla | windowilla |
bastardilla | butterilla | strideilla |
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