Examples of Spelling Rules (from Spanish)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Spelling rules
The spelling rules they are norms, conventions and regulations that govern the habitual writing system accepted and put into practice by the speakers of a language.
The word orthography (from the Greek ortho Y graphos, which means "correct spelling") designates that set of conventions that unify the way of writing a language. The orthography is born from a convention accepted by the speakers of the same linguistic community to preserve the proper form of the written language, and it is in constant evolution.
The purpose of spelling is to homogenize the written principles of a community of speakers of a given language. In the Spanish language, the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) is in charge of determining and modifying the different accepted alterations of the Spanish language in writing.
The spelling of Spanish concerns both the written selection of phonemes homophones (b / v, for example), such as accentuation, capitalization and the various punctuation marks.
Examples of spelling rules
Spelling rules for letters
Rules of V and B
- Before P and B, always write M. This rule allows us to distinguish between M and N, whose phone number (sound) can become similar. For example: imperio, empsandwichedmputation, tombient, tombiguo, tombor.
- After the N, D or B, it is always written V. This rule deals with the fact that the phoneme of V is indistinguishable from B in almost any variant of modern Spanish. For example: andnvidia, envgrabdverso.
- If the word ends in -bir it must be written with B and not with V. For example: all infinitive verbs: I wrotebgo, recibto go(exception: sawvto go, to bevto go Y hervto go and its compounds).
- The V is used in those verbs that do not contain either B or V in the infinitive. For example: have youve, be / stuve, walk / anduvand go / vlet's go. This last verb, if written in the past imperfect of the indicative mood, must be written with b. For example: íbmasters ibais, ibSobto.
Rules of the H
- If a verb is written with H in its infinitive, its conjugations will also take it. This is because verbs retain their lexical stem, although their declension varies when conjugated. For example: cohibir, hacer, tohuecar.
- Words that begin with diphthongs ia, ie, ua, ue or ui, are written with H. For example: hiato, hiena, huaca, hnew or huida.
Rules of the Z, C and S
- When the Z is between weak vowels, becomes C. This usually happens in several plurals of words that end in Z. For example: pez/pecis, pencilz/lápicthis myz/tamicit is.
- Adjectives ending in -ose or -oso are always written with S. For example: jobsor, lovesto, I eatsor fibrosa, melosor.
Rules of the Y
- Words that begin with I and are followed by a consonant must be written with I. For example: iinvasion.
- Words that start with Y and are followed by a vowel are written with Y. For example: Yate, Yuyo.
- Some times and people of infinitive verbs finished in -ow conjugate with Y. For example: flee / huYeron, conclude / concludeYor, influence, influenceYan.
Rules of G and J
- Infinitive verbs with J will be conjugated using the same letter. For example: withjplace / withjugo / withjugaron, canjear / canjeemos massjear / massjearon.
- The letter G in combination with the letter E and I have a strong sound. For example: Eugenia, gigin view of, genial.
- When the sound of this sound is soft, a U that is mute should be placed between the G and the E or the I. For example: guiso, gwar.
- The umlaut it is written only for the cases in which the syllable -gü requires the sound of the U. Normally, in such cases, the or it is mute, but in certain words the umlaut marks the sound. For example: ungüento, güero, pingorino
Rules of the R
- RR will only be used in the intervocalic position. Even when words start with that sound, with the r "strong", it will still be written with only one letter. For example: rfast, revolutionary, rio, faithrrgooserril, correr.
Spelling rules for accentuation
- The sharp words they have an accent when they end in N, S, or vowel. This is the name given to words whose stressed syllable is the last. For example: truckn, trepó, tapz, dyedr.
- The serious words have an accent when they end in a consonant other than N or S. Words whose stressed syllable is the penultimate syllable are thus called. For example: martyr, inútil, youngn, measures.
- The esdrújulas words they always have an accent. Words whose stressed syllable is the antepenultimate or previous (sobreesdrújulas) are thus called. For example: it isdrújula, phosforum, ACmara.
- The adverbs ending in -mind will retain a tilde if the adjectives from which they come have italso. For example: inúusefully, úlately, úonly.
- The monosyllables are not stressed, unless there is a risk of grammatical ambiguity. Such is the case of two different words that are spelled the same and require differentiation through the tilde diacritical. For example: éhe / he, más / more, cómo, as, de / dé.
- When a weak vowel in a diphthong take an accent, it will be treated as a separate syllable. The diphthong break is called hiatus. For example: maiz, laúd, ríanse, tios.
- The compound words, when coming together, they lose (the first) and retain (the second) the tildespelling. For example: we sayéoptimal, logicosemáauthentic.
Spelling rules of punctuation
- It never goes comma between subject and main verb (unless it is a subsection). For example: The dog ate little. (It is incorrect) / The dog, when we arrived, ate little. (it is right).
- The exclamation marks and interrogation come in pairs. Unlike other languages, in Spanish the beginning and end of the question or exclamation must be written using the signs: ¡! Y?. For example: ¿Do you want to come?¡What a joy!
- The new paragraph is used to separate one paragraph from the other.
- After a point, must always be capitalized in the next word, except for the abbreviations. For example: Hello. QI would like to reserve a room. / Between the year 6,000 a. C. Y 3,000 BC C. sand developed the stage known as Neolithic.
See also
Sharp words | Accent mark |
Serious words | Hiatus |
Words esdrújulas | Diphthong |
Words sobreesdrújulas | Triphthong |
Words with B | Words with NV | Words with Y and LL |
Words with B and V | Words with Q | Words with Z |
Words with D | Words with what and who | Using the B |
Words with H | Words with S, C and Z | Using the S |
Words with K | Words with W | Using the V |
Words with MP and MB | Words with X |
Asterisk | Point | Exclamation mark |
Eat | New paragraph | Major and minor signs |
Quotation marks | Semicolon | Parenthesis |
Script | Ellipsis |
Frequent confusion
Still and still | This and this | I know and I know |
Bounce and vote | Haya and finds | Yes and yes |
Of and give | More and more | You and you |
Him and him | Me and me | Tube and had |