In Spanish, the words that start with ol- are, mainly, nouns Y adjectives. For example: olivo, oleosa.Between the verbs, they find each other oler, ollifeY olisque. Also begins with this sequence the interjectionoland.
Several of these words are grouped to form families. For example: olto, oleada, oleage, olear; olfato, olfatar, olfate, olfatuous, olfatoria.
In a group of words, the sequence ol- is part of the compositional element oligo-, which means “little”. For example: oligarchy("Government of the few"), oligoelement(“Element in small quantity”), oligotrophy("Little amount of food").
olto | olfatoria | olivy |
Olaf | Olga | olivar |
ole / olé | olifante | Oliverio |
oleada | oligarca | olivero |
oleaginosa | oligarchy | Olivia |
oleage | oligarchic | olgrower |
olear | oligocene | oliviculture |
oledor | oligoelement | olivino |
Olegarian | oligphrenia | olivo |
oleico | oligopoly | olma |
oleicultural | oligotrophy | olmecca |
oleo | oliguria | olMede |
olpipeline | olimareño | olmo |
oleography | olunholy / olunholy | olographer |
oleometer | olimmensely | olor |
oleosa | olimpudent | olgold |
oleosity | olimpism | olote |
oler | Olimpo | olvivable |
olfate | Olinda | olvidadise |
olfate | oliscar | ollifted |
olfatuous | olisque | ollife |
olfato | olVAT | olvido |
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