A judgmentis, broadly speaking, a statement about someone or something. Depending on its formulation and the reasoning involved, it may be of one type or another.
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Examples of factual judgments
Two plus two equals four, no matter what objects it is.
The force of gravity attracts things to Earth.
The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
There are more than 6 billion people on the planet.
The Vietnam War was a conflict between the United States and South Vietnam, against the North Vietnamese army, supported by China and the Soviet Union.
Traffic lights are devices for controlling automobile traffic in cities.
In English there is only one gender for all words.
The Battle of Waterloo was decisive in the history of the Napoleonic Empire.
The dead cannot come back to life.
There are high suicide rates in the youth of the Patagonian towns.
Sometimes you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it.
A year is nothing more than one revolution of the Earth around the Sun.