Direct Object Example
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The direct object, also called direct object, It is the part of the sentence that complements the verb, indicating on what or on whom the action falls. Sentences in Spanish are composed of a subject (animal, person or thing) that performs a certain action and a predicate in which what the subject does is expressed and whose nucleus is a verb (the action carried out by the subject). The predicate in addition to the verb has various complements that serve to clarify and complement the information regarding the action carried out by the subject. One of these complements is the direct object, which serves to indicate on what or on whom the action carried out by the subject falls.
To identify the direct object, it must answer the questions ¿Qué + verb?
Verbs that have a direct object are transitive verbs. These kinds of verbs need a direct object to complement the idea of the sentence. Some examples of transitive verbs are: give, have, see, buy, listen, know, perceive, read, etc. They need to specify the action: what is given? What is there? What is seen? What is bought? What is heard? What is known?
Conversely, intransitive verbs are those that by themselves complete the idea and, in general, do not need a direct complement. For example, the verb To die:
- “The individual died last night". This intransitive verb (To die) does not need a direct object to accompany the verb. In this example, a circumstantial complement appears that indicates the time in which the action was performed: last night.
Let's now look at some examples of sentences with transitive verbs that require a direct object:
- "Me I'll buy (verb) sweet(direct object) in the store (circumstantial complement) ”.
The transitive verb to buy requires a direct object to specify the action: buy what? The direct object is sweet.
- "My sister known (transitive verb) people of different cultures(direct object)".
The transitive verb know requires a direct object to complete the idea: know what? The direct object is people of different cultures.
- “I received (verb) a mail (direct object) of the institution ”.
The transitive verb receive it requires a direct object to complement the action: "receive what?" The direct object is a mail.
Sometimes there are sentences in which a transitive verb has no direct object that complements it; However, this can be understood implicitly. Take as an example one of the sentences above: “I I'll buy (transitive verb) in the store (circumstantial complement) ”. In this example the direct object does not appear in the sentence, but it can be understood implicitly: “I will buy (something) in the shop".
Another way to identify the direct object is that we can replace it with the direct object pronounslo, the (male), the, the (feminine). When the direct object is replaced by these pronouns, these come to have the function of direct object. Here are some examples.
- "Saw (verb) to my cousin (direct object) at the party.
“The (direct object) saw (verb) at the party ”.
- “My sister (subject) present (verb) t-shirts (direct object) to a charitable institution ”.
“My sister (subject) the (direct object) present (verb) to a charity
- “I found (verb) my shoes (direct object) under the bed ”.
“The (direct object) I found (verb) under the bed ”.
- “The police (subject) He received (verb) an acknowledgment (direct object) for its trajectory ”.
“The police (subject) it (direct object) He received (verb) for his career ”.
- Next reading: Indirect object.
60 Examples of direct object sentences:
- The direct object is highlighted in bold.
- Hyenas eat dead animals.
- The clock ticks the hours.
- On Friday we saw a movie.
- Me it I read when I was in high school.
- Last night we visited to my granny.
- Antonio listens Radio.
- Tea I pushed for you to make the right decision.
- Carmen scolded to the kids.
- Juan Carlos cuts The grass.
- When i went swimming in the sea I I hurt with a rock.
- Bees make Honey.
- Lucia waters the plants.
- They saw to the president having breakfast in a restaurant in the city center.
- The crew listened to the captain while he gave the directions for the journey.
- They gave me some documents in the morning. The I signed after reading them.
- My sister bought a new phone
- Yesterday i was watching an interesting movie.
- Have you already repaired my tv?
- The girl wears a bouquet of flowers for his mom.
- The young man will accompany to the girl to the prom.
- To prepare the cake you must preheat the oven. When it turn on, leave it on for about 10 minutes.
- I am going to prepare vegetables for the food.
- The I painted in many colors.
- The host greeted to those present before giving a welcome speech.
- Got match tickets Y the I sold.
- The boy it he hit the ball while they were playing.
- I did not mean that. Me it I said without wanting to.
- The dog attacked to thieves who entered the residence.
- There are many places to eat around here. I discovered this Yesterday.
- My mother listens different radio programs almost every day. Today he heard that.
- Father pushed to your daughter in the swing.
- Students need to define the topic that they will present at the end of the course. Each one will choose one.
- I watched to the crowd to look for my friends.
- Children played to the marbles all morning.
- The runner won gold medal in the marathon. I know the They delivered in a ceremony the next day.
- The boy did not want to eat the vegetables, but it proved Some after her mother scolded him.
- I do not like it yours.
- Mother carried to your daughter to the games.
- Did not know to nobody in the event.
- The scientist showed the latest advances in your research. They all heard these carefully.
- The boy broke something from the museum and her mother had to pay for it.
- Debtors go to the bank daily to pay their debts.
- The reserve preserves The habitat of endangered animals.
- The violinist tuned his instrument. Every musician tuned yours before starting the concert.
- The chef added to the recipe a special ingredient.
- Needed tosomeone that can help me study for the test.
- Black olives stand out the flavors of the recipe.
- The electrical installation of the house broke down and an electrician the repair.
- The authorities sought to the culprit of the forest fire.
- The jury ruled a sentence for the accused.
- The carpenter polished and painted timber very carefully.
- The peasants exported cultivated vegetables.
- He sold yours to the highest bidder.
- My cousin acquired one TV in offer.
- The businessman fired several workers.
- The family decorated home on christmas eve.
- Committed a serious offense and for that he was fired.
- A single lamp lit The enclosure.
- The doctor did a series of tests to check the patient's status.
- They chose music for the video.
How is the direct object formed?
The direct object can be formed by a noun phrase, a pronominal phrase or a prepositional phrase (specifically the one containing the preposition to). A phrase is a word or set of words that have a specific function within the sentence and have a nucleus or central part that defines them. This nucleus can be an adjective (adjectival phrase), a noun (noun phrase), a preposition (prepositional phrase), a pronoun (pronominal phrase), among others. Let's see some examples of direct object with noun, pronominal or propositional phrase (with the preposition to):
1. Direct object formed by noun phrase. This direct object is made up of a word or set of words that correspond to a noun or name. These phrases are sometimes accompanied by an article: el, la, los, las, un, una, unas, unas. For example:
- "Mary cleanthe kitchen. " The action that Maria performs (clean) falls on an object (what cleans?): the kitchen. The direct object is a noun with its article: the kitchen.
- "Teacher teachesconcepts to the kids". The subject is Teacher, the action it performs is teaches, the direct object, that is, on which the action falls, is the noun concepts.
- "Yesterday I readOne hundred years of lonelinessby Gabriel García Márquez ”. The action performed by the subject (I read) falls on an object (what did I read?). The direct object is the name of a literary work: One hundred years of solitude.
- "Me I buildCrafts in my spare time". The action I build falls on the direct object Crafts, which is a noun that answers the question "What do I build?"
2. Direct object formed by a pronominal phrase. This direct object is made up of the pronouns I, tea, I know, us (these can also function as an indirect object), it, the, the Y the (These always work as a direct object). These pronouns usually appear before the verb. It is also formed by the demonstrative pronouns (this, that, this, that, that, that, that, etc.), undefinedone, something, some, someone, etc.) or possessives (mine, yours, his, our, etc.).
- "Yesterday it (direct object) I discovered (verb)". In this sentence the action (I discovered) falls on a direct object pronoun: it. I descovered?
- “I (direct object) saw (verb) in the mirror ”. The verb saw falls on the pronoun I. This answers the question what did I see?: me (I).
- "Yesterday tea (direct object) I searched (verb) all over the place ”. The verb I searched falls on the pronoun This answers the question “what did I look for?”: a ti (tea).
- “I (indirect object) the (direct object) presto (verb) to be able to work ”. The verb presto falls directly on the pronoun the: "What did you lend me? This pronoun is replacing some noun: the pen, the cutter, the computer, etc. In this sentence the pronoun I it works as an indirect object; is the recipient or beneficiary of the action: “To whom did you lend it”: to me (I).
- "Me I want (verb) one (direct object)". The verb I want falls on the pronoun Responds to the question "What do I want?"
- "Tomorrow i will carry (verb) mine (direct object) to be washed ”. The action i will carry falls on the pronominal phrase mine. Answer the question “What will I bring?”: mine.
3. Direct object formed by a prepositional phrase whose nucleus is the preposition to. This direct object is formed by a set of words whose nucleus is the preposition This object Direct will always start with that preposition and then a noun or name that correspond to the object direct. This type of phrase with the preposition to They also function as an indirect object, so you have to pay attention to their function with respect to the verb to define whether it is a direct object or an indirect object. For example:
- “Leave (verb) to my friend (direct object) in the airport terminal ”. The direct object to my friend answers the question "what did I leave?" The verb falls directly on this prepositional phrase.
- “They chose (verb) to a group of people (direct object) for the experiment ”. The direct object to a group of people answers the question "what did they choose?" This prepositional phrase complements the information of the transitive verb
- "Me love (verb) to my pets (direct object)". The direct object to my pets answers the question "what do I love?" This prepositional phrase gives us the extra information that the verb needs to love to complement the idea.
Keep reading:
- Indirect object