30 Examples of Sentences without coherence
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Sentences without coherence
A sentence has no coherence (that is, it is incoherent) when it has no meaning, does not provide information or adds anything to it, or is out of context.
A sentence without coherence produces a break in the semantic structure that prevents it from making sense. It can be generated by unifying two sentences by means of a connector but these sentences do not make sense between them. For example:
- “The plane had no fuel that's why I had noodles for dinner yesterday”.
In this example we see that, due to the information given, it is not possible that this sentence has coherence or meaning. In this case the nexus or connector that joins both sentences should not have been used, since both sentences are unrelated. Therefore they correspond to different structures and it is not possible for them to maintain coherence. Several sentences without coherence, generate incoherent texts.
Let's look at an example of inconsistent text:
- “My dog, who was green, went out into the galaxy. He went around and brought a kite but I had already done the shopping for the day and then the basketball championship came and we lost.”
Characteristics of a sentence without coherence
- The data expressed are false or meaningless. Therefore the sentence does not provide valuable information.
- Sentences without coherence generate incongruities, which leads to a meaningless text or story.
- A statement can be incoherent because it is a statement of what another statement denies or vice versa. For example:
- "Did you go for a run yesterday?
- Yes!
- And how long have you run?
- No, I didn't go for a run yesterday.
- An incoherent account indicates that it presents a contradiction in one, several or all of its sentences.
Examples of sentences without coherence
- Juan is a brave coward
- Her blind eyes were staring at me
- The wet sands were drier than ever
- Grandma's exquisite food was, as always, the ugliest
- Rubén was a girl
- Sofía learned to rollerblade while she ate sushi, sang karaoke and spoke to Mars where her grandmother Juanita was.
- Saturdays are Wednesdays
- Squirrels are very pretty birds
- The clouds are orange
- The sea in the sky
- Monkeys play cards with me and my friends
- At 4 in the afternoon I will wake up very early to walk
- This year I was born
- I live in Australia, Holland and Paris at the same time
- My grandmother is in Turkey and Malaysia right now
- The violet leaves with orange stripes on the trees are very beautiful and fall off at Christmas
- My mom is younger than me
- Josefina and María play at school while baking delicious cookies
- I will repair the glass that was broken
- The bottom piece is way up
- My house has no doors, only windows
- The perfume that I like the most is horrible
- Dawn at dusk
- My favorite color is orange but I also hate that color
- Silvia accompanied me but she did not accompany me
- I'm going to drink water in a paper cup
- At dawn, as I wake up, I go back to sleep to rest
- Slow music is too heavy for my listening taste
- Aurora is a friend that I appreciate very much although she has never been my friend
- The richest chocolates in the world I bought yesterday in that store that sells the most detestable chocolates in the world