50 Sentences with "to end"
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Sentences with "to end"
The connector "to end" belongs to the group of conclusive connectors and of order; It is used to finalize and simplify the topic that is being discussed, or to indicate, within a series of actions or ideas, the one that is the last of all. For example: I put the water on heat, added salt, waited for it to boil and, to end, I added the noodles.
The connectors are words or expressions that allow us to indicate a relationship between two sentences or statements. The use of connectors favors the reading and comprehension of texts, since they provide coherence and cohesion.
Other conclusive connectors are: by way of closing, well, in a few words, in summary, in synthesis, in short, in a few words.
Other order connectors are: first of all, first, last, to begin, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the one hand, on the other hand.
Examples of sentences with "to finish"
- Benito cut some geranium cuttings, pruned the older leaves and, to end, planted them in pots.
- The director communicated to the team that, to end, they would do a dress rehearsal of the play before the premiere.
- The uncontrolled rise in prices causes, first, a decrease in consumption and, to end, the closure of companies.
- In the process of metamorphosis, to end, an adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.
- The specialist who gave the lecture advised, to end, a series of internet sites that could be of interest to the public.
- In triathlon, athletes swim a distance, then cycle another ride, and to end, they must run a foot race.
- The museum allocated the monetary funds received to the restoration of some pieces and, to end, to the purchase of two new works.
- The leaders agreed on a series of measures in order to face the current emergency and, to end, they set a series of goals for the future.
- To end, one of the impacts of machines in modern history has been the acceleration of production times.
- In his speech, the mayor announced, to end, which would be in charge of modernizing the equipment of the municipality's health centers.
- The excursion to the hill is scheduled at 8; You must be fifteen minutes before at the bus terminal, and bring your identity document. The return is scheduled at 16. To endIt is recommended that those who make the ascent to the summit wear warm clothing.
- In the tour of the work of Federico Fellini will be screened, to end, his last movie: The voice of the moon.
- The students received sawdust and iron shavings, mixed both components in a box and, to end, they separated them using a magnet.
- The doctor explained to my grandmother why the pneumonia vaccine is important and, to end, she issued an order for him to apply it.
- This is where the news report ends; to end, there will be a review of the main headlines of the day.
- Delia recounted the walks she took on her trip to the Far East and, to end, she showed the photos she had taken during the tour.
- The students did research on bats and, to end, presented their conclusions in an audiovisual presentation.
- In 371 BC, Athens defeated Sparta and, to end, was imposed as hegemonic city in Ancient Greece.
- After studying different cases it is possible to say, to end, that there are living beings in all environments on Earth.
- To end, the teacher dedicated the last class to reviewing all the topics studied in the year.
- In the house in Florence they keep the recyclables, they separate them according to the type of material and, to end, they take them to the collection center.
- The Matisse's painting exhibition catalog reproduces all the works on display, with information about the circumstances in which they were made; it also includes a couple of essays by renowned specialists and, to end, a very complete biography of the artist.
- The settlers initially settled on the east coast of North America and, to end, advanced to the interior of the continent.
- The specialist spoke of several undertakings that can be carried out in a small space and, to end, made special reference to the breeding of silkworms.
- At the science fair you will choose, to end, the best project presented by the students.
- The tour includes a tour of the main streets of Barcelona and, to end, a visit to the Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia.
- Over the course of an hour, I have talked about the detectives in the detective stories and, in particular, Sherlock Holmes, the unforgettable character created by Arthur Conan Doyle. To endAmong the novels starring this character, my favorite is Study in Scarlet.
- The minister of industry spoke of the companies that currently operate in the country and, to end, she referred to the measures that will be adopted to avoid the closures.
- First, the judge reviewed the main stages of the trial; then the prosecutor made his plea, which was followed by that of the defense. To endAfter a quarter intermission, the members of the jury will give their verdict.
- The teacher solved some math problems with the boys and girls in the class and, to end, he proposed others to solve them on their own.
- The film is an entertaining period story in which, to end, the director includes a tribute to his teacher Orson Welles.
- In this talk we took a tour of the main crafts of the original communities of the area; to end, I want to thank the museum authorities for the images they have provided us with.
- The professor spoke of the delicate balance on which the functioning of an ecosystem is based and, to end, he exemplified his concepts with the rainforest environment.
- The president delivered a lengthy speech and, to end, he asked the population to accompany him in his new decisions.
- After the last kneading, the buns are shaped, placed on an oiled pan and, to end, takes them to the oven for half an hour.
- During the concert, the symphony orchestra offered an overture by Mozart, a waltz by Strauss, another by Tchaikovsky and, to end, a choreographic poem by Ravel.
- In its beginnings, the writing was initially used to make the inventories of the palace; then it was used to record the important facts and, to end, was used in works of fiction.
- In the course they explained the criteria that are taken into account to classify arthropods and, to end, the students were able to apply them to some specific copies.
- The author of the journalistic note analyzes the latest tax measures, compares them with other similar measures taken by previous governments and, to end, refers to the change in the economic strategy of the current government.
- The phone battery is running low so, to end, I ask you not to forget to transmit the news to my parents.
- The Agatha Christie novels begin by presenting the case, continue with the investigation, and, to end, they arrive at the resolution of the enigma.
- Rome started out as a small village and, to end, it became a vast empire.
- Several factors converge in climate change, but it can be said, to end, which is largely a consequence of the increase in the emission of carbon dioxide.
- The house's water network is already in place and, to end, we must wait for the supplier company to carry out the general revision.
- In the canning process, first of all, you have to make sure that the containers are well clean; then it is necessary to pay attention that the jars are closed under vacuum; thirdly, the hermetically sealed jars with the preserves must be boiled; to end, the jars should be allowed to cool to room temperature.
- The participants of the literary workshop receive the instructions from the coordinator, write their texts, read them aloud and, to end, they comment on them all.
- Statistical data expressed in different measurement systems were given at the international meeting; to end, it was agreed to unify the system in the next meetings in order to avoid confusion.
- When the blood passes through the blood capillaries, it delivers nutrients to the cells, removes waste from them and, to end, takes them to the organs where they will be eliminated abroad.
- The librarians consulted which are the most used books in the schools, made a list of the missing titles and, to end, they asked the Government to buy them.
- The order of business establishes that the report and balance of the last fiscal year be considered, the proposals presented for the financing of the works at the headquarters are evaluated, and, to end, vote for the continuity or for the renewal of the steering committee.
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