20 Word Examples with tla, tle, tli
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Tla, tle, tli
Syllables tla, tle, tli, tlo and tlu are made up of a consonant group (the t and the l) and a vowel. The most common consonant groups in Spanish are bl, br, cr, cl, dr, fl, fr, gr, pl, pr, and tr, and in fact we can find a fairly large number of words that include them combined with different vowels. For example: like soft, breeze, cream, key, drama, fringe, gram, feather, dam and swallow.
In contrast, the consonantal group tl is much less common and certainly more difficult to pronounce. For example: athlete, atlas.
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Origin of the consonantal group tl
Although there are words of Greek and Hebrew origin that include these syllables, it is believed that the group consonant tl from Nahuatl, language of the Mexican territory in times of the Empire Aztec.
The Spaniards who arrived in America were incorporating this lateral dentoalveolar phoneme, in many cases with changes to facilitate its pronunciation; This happened in words like chocolate or tomato (which in Nahuatl were chocólatl and tomatl).
As can be seen, these words, like many others from other regions, were adapted to mainland Spanish.
Examples of words with Tla, tle, tli
TOtleta (Greek) | Pantyhosetlán (Nahuatl) |
TOtlas (Greek) | TOtléTico (Greek) |
Tlascalteca (Nahuatl) | TOtletismo (Greek) |
Betlemita (Hebrew) | Tlaloc (Nahuatl) |
TOtlántico (greek) | Tlapalería (Nahuatl) |
Decatleta (Greek) | TOtlixco (Nahuatl) |
Gentleman (English) | Tenochtitlán (Nahuatl) |
Tlayuda (Nahuatl) | Tlatelolco (Nahuatl) |
TOtlántida (Greek) | Pentatleta (Greek) |
TOtlante (Greek) | Tlaxcala (Nahuatl) |