The letter M is the thirteenth letter in the alphabet and is one of the consonants most used. It is usually combined with the P to form the diagraph MP (protection, tie), with the B forming the diagraph MB (pregnancy ambulance) or with vowels. For example: madera, Iyes, meyou enter, monot, mubat.
maceta | Isa | molinen |
madera | Iit will be | momine |
madre | Isura | monot |
maíz | Ita | mora |
mait | Isuch | morado |
mawood | meedo | moral |
maneither | meyou enter | moreindeer |
manzana | mewednesday | mortal |
mapa | megas | mosquad |
mamouse | mejo | mostaza |
marco | melagro | muthing |
marhino | Melán | mueca |
Marte | melitter | muthe A |
mores | memo | muerdago |
masa | mena | muerde |
Idalla | meWildman | muerto |
Iday | menuto | muestra |
Idiano | myor | muEve |
Idir | meope | mugre |
Ilodrama | merar | mucan |
Ilon | mochila | mulet |
Iloso | mojar | mubat |
Ipray | molar | murmur |
Iridian | molde | muro |
Irein | molesto | músculo |
maoestrus | manteca | morescara |
malet | maqueta | maSW |
maleza | maconvict | matar |
manot | morertir | matrimony |
Icer | Ilodrama | Is |
Idiante | Ibrightness | Iter |
Idico | Intor | Ieverything |
Idida | Ircado | Izclar |
meentity | myencouragement | Merta |
mella | menuisance | meserable |
mellón | meopia | mesterio |
membre | merada | metad |
mogives | moneda | mortal |
moderno | momonster | mostrar |
moler | momountain | mostaza |
moment | monton | mowatch |
muchacho | mulato | muñeca |
muchedumbre | muletilla | múphysical |
mucho | multa | muY |
muerte | muing | mujer |
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