The words with NF they have this letter combination in the middle of the word, but never at the beginning or end. This combination is not so frequent in Spanish, so there are not so many words in which it appears. For example: infinito, tonfibio.
Regarding the spelling rules, in front of the F you can place the N, but never the M. For example: inferior, circunference, triunfor.
tonfibio | confusion | ínfimo |
tonfiteater | wishnfundar | infinitive |
tonfitrion | desinfeffective | infinito |
circunference | desinflar | inflickable |
confabulation | andnfsettle | inflicked |
confection | andnfpenthouse | infflexible |
confederation | andnfillness | influence |
conference | andnfermero | influxury |
conferr | andnfilar | inftraining |
confesar | andnflaquecer | infnormal |
confeti | andnfor what | informatic |
confgo | andnfscratch | infhear me |
confidential | andnfrent | infortunio |
confidente | andnfrent | infration |
conffiguring | andnflaugh | infweird |
confín | andnfurecer | infcount |
confination | inflove | infringir |
confirmar | infold | infructually |
confiscar | infantecedent | infa dice |
confit is | infection | infsink |
conflicto | infeliz | infusion |
confluence | inferior | panfleto |
confform | inferr | Yesnfín |
confort | infernal | Yesnfonia |
confhang around | infenlighten | triunfor |