The words ending in Z they have a general rule: their plural modifies the Z by the ending -ces. For example: pencilz / pencilces.
There are also certain words that do not have plural. For example: newz, maturez.
See also:
Loudspeakerz | Leakagez | Pez |
Arroz | Jazz | Raíz |
Atroz | Jerez | Tamiz |
Audaz | Thuz | Tapiz |
Caliz | Pencilz | Hadz |
Capz | Monz | Teaz |
Cruz | Maturez | Oldz |
Diez | Maíz | Oldz |
Falaz | Matiz | Veilz |
Faz | Nariz | Veraz |
Feliz | Nuez | Goz |
Feroz | Paz | Voraz |
Next, the words ending in Z will be listed with their respective plural, if applicable.
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