Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2017
In the context of American society, the term 4:20 refers to the cannabis community and the culture associated with cannabis. In other words, to all those who defend the consumption of this substance from the Liberty and the responsibility personal.
Observing the historical origin of 4:20
Although there are different versions about its origin, it is believed that it began to be spoken of 4:20 in 1971 in the Californian city of San Francisco. By then a group of high school students met at 4:20 p.m. next to a statue dedicated to Louis Pasteur after his school day. In that place they smoked marijuana and in a short time the 4:20 label began to spread as a symbol support towards cannabis.
In this way, the denomination 4:20 became a reference cultural vindictive to talk about marijuana without mentioning it in an explicit way. The phenomenon spread to such an extent that since 1995, on April 20, world marijuana day has been celebrated (you have to Note that in the United States, calendar dates begin with the number of the month and then comes the specific number of the day).
4:20 has become an element symbolic and, at the same time, in the germ of the legalization of marijuana in some states of the United States.
4.20 is part of the cannabis culture
Cannabis use has become normalized in many countries and in this sense, there has been talk of a cannabis culture for decades. This natural substance is used therapeutically to reduce pain associated with certain diseases, especially cancer or multiple sclerosis. Its therapeutic benefits are diverse, since the active principle of this plant acts as an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.
From a perspective social cannabis use is related to its relaxing and playful effects. On the other hand, smoking marijuana is a source of inspiration for many creators. Finally, we must not forget that since ancient times various cultures have used this plant for the celebration of religious rituals.
Those who defend the normalization of cannabis use in society emphasize its medicinal benefits and its dimension cultural and playful.
Facts about cannabis
Its scientific name is cannabis sativa. It contains about 400 identifiable components and its active ingredient is THC or tetra hydro cannabinol. This plant is cultivated in many regions of the world and the oldest historical reference is in China 3000 years before Christ.
Initially, it was consumed as a medicinal remedy for all kinds of ailments and because it was believed to promote longevity and activate the mind. Since the 1960s, cannabis use was linked to hippie culture and since then the popularity of this substance has not stopped growing.
The cannabis plant is known by other names, such as marijuana, marijuana or hashish. Likewise, in the language Popular terms such as firecrackers, joints, joints, petas or chocolate are used.
Photos: Fotolia - Daniel Berkmann - Dmitriylo
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