The prefix sub-, of Latin origin, means “below”. For instance: subwater, subground, subterrestrial. However, it also has other meanings.
The prefixes they are morphemes, that is, small units that are added in front of a word to change its meaning. They are not written separately from the word with a hyphen, but always attached to the term they modify.
Other meanings of the prefix sub-:
subwater | subunderstand | subproduct |
subtributary | subspecies | subranchial |
subwarden | substation | subscratch |
subalternate | subestimate | subkingdom |
subalvea | subfebrile | subreptilian |
sublease | subguarantor | subrigadier |
subatomic | subedge | subpraying |
subchampion | subforum | subSaharan |
submobile | subrifle | subheal |
subcinericio | subgender | subscapular |
subclass | subgovernor | subscription |
subclavia | subgroup | subsecretary |
submanifold | subindex | subsequential |
subcommander | subinspection | subcontinue |
subcommission | subquartermaster | subsidio |
subset | subintrar | subfollowing |
subaware | subboss | subconsistency |
subcontinent | subjudge | subsolar |
subhiring | sublift | subsonic |
subsack, bag | sublimit | subground |
subcutaneous | sublingual | subsubmission |
subdelegate | sublunar | subto tend |
subdelirium | subMarine | subtenure |
subdeveloping | submaxillary | subterfuge |
subdiaconate | subministration | subearthly |
subaddress | submultiple | subkind |
subdistinction | subworld | subheadline |
subdivide | subnormal | subtropical |
subdominant | subnote | suburban |
subduction | subofficial | subvenation |
subdouble | suborder | subversion |
subexecutor | subordination | sublie |
subuse | subprefecture | subyugar |
(!) Exceptions
Not all words that begin with sub- correspond to this prefix. These are some exceptions:
See also: